Souder, 60, who voted for a ban on partialbirth abortions, is a big proponent of abstinence for unwed people. Sex, he maintains, should be confined to marriage. He just hasn’t said whose marriage. Apparently not his. Or hers.
The most ironic thing about the affair was the videotape Souder made, in which Ms. Jackson lobs softball questions at her boss so he could extol the virtues of abstinence. The first thing we noticed when watching the video was that Ms. Jackson is superhot! And that Souder has the face of a horse that’s been thrown off the Empire State Building.
It’s not hard to imagine what Souder was thinking when he decided to cheat on Diane, his wife of 36 years. “This could cost me my career,” the two-timer must have reckoned. “But just look at that staffer of mine, and look at me. I’ll never get a chance like this again. Fuck my career!”
'via Blog this'Just look at Souder’s record in Congress: He voted against repealing tax cuts on oil companies, against modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures, against the jobs stimulus package, against prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation, against increasing the minimum wage and against domestic partnership benefits.
In regard to that last item, Souder argued the bill would undercut the “values of traditional marriage” that “we have always paid tribute to.” By “paid tribute to” we assume he meant banging another man’s wife. (Actually, when you think about it, adultery and lying have become staples of the traditional marriage.)
Of course, there is one possible reason Ms. Jackson might have decided to have sex with the old fart bag: Souder reportedly paid more than $76,000 for her (ahem) services plus $10,000 in travel reimbursements. Say what you want about this God-fearing Christian, at least he never considered going to a prostitute!
Getting back to Souder’s Congressional record, the antiworker, anti-environment and pro-business member of the House earned another black mark: He voted to end the moratorium on offshore oil drilling and against mandating that oil companies pay a fee for the right to extract oil from the Gulf of Mexico. So in a very real sense the Gulf catastrophe lands at his feet (among others’). Souder’s kind of thinking has cost taxpayers billions of dollars and a devastated environment. If someone had asked us, we would have suggested shoving Souder down BP’s well to stop the gushing oil.
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