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ASwiftHippie in reply to
The religious guy talks bullshit in circles, never answering a question directly, like a politician, or a slumlord. That must be so frustrating for Bill Maher. I had a similar conversation with two of my best friends and when I tried to pin them down to just answer the question, they couldn't. They both got mad (separately) and said it was about faith. One renounced that faith, the other never had it until times got very tough for her. I wish someone would directly answer Bills inquiries.
jrrymia 1 second ago
"direct experience with the Divine"? BULLSHIT!! People believe what they have been conditioned to believe, especially when the indoctrination begins at very young ages.
WonhyosDream1956 3 hours ago
"One thing is certain, the Jebus character in the Bible never, ever, existed."
Maybe, because there is no "Jebus" in the Bible. Perhaps, you're thinking of Jesus. No credible historian has ever said, Jesus never existed. The atheist high priest, Richard Dawkin, has said, he believes Jesus existed, in a debate with Lennox. Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, wrote about Jesus in his writings.
AntichristComes in reply to stanleysteama(Show the comment) 3 ho
I was raised Christian and know a lot about the religion and what is in its scriptures... I became an atheist soon after reading the bible lol. You don't have to get much past Genesis before you start to think to yourself, "this book may not be entirely accurate," lol.