Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama Conspiracy Theories | Fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud

Obama Conspiracy Theories | Fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud:

'via Blog this'

(I ignored all of this while it was happening because I had things like homelessness on my mind. Now that I am catching up on old news...WOWEE the USA is chock full of looney-tunes. Not that i have verified any of this one way or the other, but the guy is black. He's not friggin' purple or green. He could be us born. What is with these people? OMG. So stupid. It's like the Clinton blowjob thing. LET IT GO.)

A new article titled: “Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility: An Intelligence Investigator’s June 10 Report” has been posted on the Western Center for Journalism web site (while an impressive name, the site is just another front for Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily).
…In December ‘08 a retired CIA officer commissioned an investigator to look into the Barack Obama birth certificate and eligibility issue. On July 21, 2009 obtained a copy of the investigator’s report. Here is an unedited version of the report.

What are the telltale marks of a “fake”?

Let’s cut through the BS right up front. There is no CIA officer; there is no “intelligence investigator”. That’s just set decoration to lend an air of mystery and secret knowledge. Somebody (my guess is that it’s Ron Polarik) ordered a copy of the Hawaiian laws from 1955, and reedited  them to make it appear that the writer was some sort of expert, and that the resulting “report” was serious. But how about the content, which purports to be an analysis of Hawaiian vital statistics law?
The bias of the report is immediately evident in this damning accusation:
The fact that Obama refuses to release the vault birth certificate that would instantly clear up this matter almost certainly indicates that the vault birth certificate is probably a BC2 [unattended birth] or possibly a BC3 [delayed certificate].
Here is another little trick in the report, which suggests that the Hawaiian Health Department is lying!
The document at the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands website indicates that at the time she [Health Department spokesperson Janice Okubo] made this statement it was false, and that a procedure was in place for application for “the original Certificate of Live Birth.” Continue Reading →

Comment for Michael Patrick Leahy

Dr. Conspiracy
Dr. Conspiracy

“to investigate without a reason is what I call a smear campaign”

I received an email from Mr. Leahy, directing me to a post on his blog and asking for my comments. Leahy (self-described Conservative author and grassroots new media strategist)  raises a number of “questions” rhetorically posed to Hawaiian officials to dig into all the nits of what they did and said. Some of the questions are ones I might ask out of curiosity, but some presume long-discredited conspiracy theories, or would be unlawful to answer.
I replied to the email this way:
I think your “questions” can be categorized into three groups:
1. Questions which cannot by law be answered by the persons to whom they are directed.
2. Questions which have already been answered, deal with scenarios which are contrary to law or contain misstatements of law.
3. Questions which are irrelevant to the time and place of the President’s birth.
President Obama’s Certification of Live Birth says on the face of it: Location of Birth: Honolulu. What exactly don’t you understand about that?
If there were ONE TINY FACT that contradicts Hawaiian birth for President Obama, perhaps raising questions would make sense, but to investigate without a reason is what we call a smear campaign. Continue Reading →
COMMENTS { 119 }

Orly has friends in Congress

OrlyDentistAccording to a recent email from crusading anti-Obama lawyer, Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq.:
Today is the first day my assistants Vivian and Theresa opened my Facebook account to wide audience. About 500 people signed up as friends. Amazingly congresswoman Mary Bono asked to be my friend on facebook. I will be delighted to be friends with Congresswoman Bono. I, also, hope that she, as well as other congresswomen and men and senators sign up as plaintiffs in my legal action, seeking declaratory relief and unearthing original vital records of Barack Hussein Obama. It is time.
So not only does she have a friend in Congress, but she has minions to do her bidding now. I wonder if Vivian and Theresa are the ones pictured here.
By the way, this is the Facebook account I believe Orly refers to, and Mary BonoMack is listed as a friend. Mack is a congresswoman from the 45th district of California (Riverside County, and not were Orly Taitz lives).
For more birthers in Congress, check out

The end of “free” speech!

Mario Apuzzo
Mario Apuzzo
That’s what Charles Kerchner (of Kerchner v. Obama fame) says in an email to Obama Conspiracy Theories:
“Google threatens to delete blog of Attorney suing the President and Congress”
Marrio Apuzzo’s blog is hosted at (a Googlecompany). Blogger provides free blogs to folks, including Mario Apuzzo. Many blogs, Obama Conspiracy Theories excepted, are hosted on such free sites. But I digress…. Here is the purported email from Google:
Your blog at: has been identified as a potential spam blog. To correct this, please request a review by filling out the form at [Hyperlink removed by Dr. C]
Your blog will be deleted in 20 days if it isn’t reviewed, and your readers will see a warning page during this time. After we receive your request, we’ll review your blog and unlock it within two business days. Once we have reviewed and determined your blog is not spam, the blog will be unlocked and the message in your Blogger dashboard will no longer be displayed. If this blog doesn’t belong to you, you don’t have to do anything, and any other blogs you may have won’t be affected. Continue Reading →

Fake information on passport web site

This one really got me. On the web site, (not PassportUSA) , a web site that is purports to assist you in getting a passport, they list these requirements for your birth certificate:
Fake Passport Web Site
Fake Passport Web Site
  • Birth certificate should show a doctor’s signature, a midwife’s signature, the parent’s signature or the signature of a witness who was present at your birth.
  • The name of the hospital you were born at or taken to after your birth at home, in the car or where ever you happened to be born but later seen by a doctor at a hospital.
  • A raised registrar’s embossed, impressed or multicolored seal. Some older birth certificates may not have all of these elements on certificates from the 1970’s or earlier.
  • The paper itself should have a print pattern or emboss style that is sometimes raised again on some olders certificates this may not be present.
  • Birth certificate should have been issued within one year of your birth.


On another page, they list the real requirements from the State Department: “*certified birth certificate has a registrar’s raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar’s office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for US Passport purposes.” is a WordPress blog (just like Obama Conspiracy Theories).Continue Reading →
COMMENTS { 235 }

The Merits of the Case

I am not a lawyer, but here is my novel legal theory on how a judge might rule on the merits of an Obama denialist lawsuit:
Denton v. Hernandez 504 U.S. 25, 32 (1992) (the in forma pauperis statute) “accords judges not only the authority to dismiss a claim based on an indisputably meritless legal theory, but also the unusual power to pierce the veil of the complaint’s factual allegations and dismiss those claims whose factual contentions are clearly baseless.”
A fair number of the nObama lawsuits are filed in forma pauperis (“I’m to poor to pay the filing fee”).
I’m waiting for just the right case and the right judge.

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