'via Blog this'
- white Americans who call themselves liberal and vote more taxes for X or Y and then whine about high taxes and no jobs, and complain about why things are made in China while shopping at Walmart and talk about equality while voting for policies that are anything but – and then these people are the VERY FIRST that move out of neighborhoods that have blacks. BTW, liberal white teachers are among the most shocked and the most racist after first teaching in black-majority schools. Talk to then ten years later: you’ll never find more virulent racists.
- Black Americans who say there’s nothing wrong and it’s all misperception. BTW, noticing patterns in daily life, and the daily lives of everyone you know, ever meet or come into contact with – is now a social crime and a hallmark of how you’re oppressing (X) group. Because don’t you know – there are no social patterns. It’s all entirely random, except when it comes to college admissions or special rights for Y group. Then it’s a conspiracy.
- Racist white Americans who use every common theft from a store to claim it’s a Jihad by Black Gorillas out to murder, rape and pillage until Civilization Itself is bleeding on a sacrificial slab, entrails scattered around the Temple of Stanlinist Thought.
All the while, black kids grow up without fathers. All the while, whole generations are lost to the internecine bickering, the accusations, the pogroms and ideological moral crusades, populist leaders on all sides who smell and look like the worst kinds of hucksters and cheats–
- Whatever White Americans do is normal – no matter how high or low their numbers, they commit crimes at the proper rates. Always. This is a given. Because there is nothing wrong with them. To think otherwise would be racist! They are the measure against which everyone else is judged.
- Racialize crime – blame most of the crime on black people. Even where whites commit most of it. If challenged, make it about the crime rate:
- Crime rate – Where white people commit most of the crimes it is because most people are white. How is that wrong? But if blacks, who are 13% of America, commit more than 13% of any crime, even 14%, it is because there is something wrong with them:
- Higher black crime rates prove Criminal Tendencies – the great thing about statistics is that they seem so objective and yet get rid of all the context: the drug trade, racist policemen and judges, bad policing, racial profiling, poverty, etc. Context only matters when white people do bad stuff. When black people do bad stuff, it is because something is wrong with them. That is not racist, that is just Reality.
- Interracial crime – for added effect compare black-on-white crime to white-on-black crime. This is especially good for rape because of white male sexual insecurities and because the government report is particularly misleading. Black-on-white crime proves what everyone already knows: blacks are out to get whites! No matter how low the absolute numbers.
- Hispanics – If Hispanics are not separated from whites in some statistic point that out and state, without proof, that non-Hispanic whites (True White People) have a lower crime rate.
- Hate crimes – blacks commit most of the hate crimes. Everyone knows it. Except the FBI, whose numbers clearly cannot be trusted.
- Where African statistics are low they are wrong, where they are high repeat them.Rape or murder is low in Senegal? They are bad at recording crime. Do they even have pencils over there? Rape is high in South Africa? It must be right. If anything it is probably understated!
- Genocide, slavery, blah, blah, blah – whites killed tens of millions of people of colour to get to where they are. But if anyone brings that up just say it was too long ago to count, that they need to get over it. Or bring up Rwanda and use that as a fig leaf. Wars past and present are off the books too. So is Wall Street. The only true measure of how violent and immoral a race is are the street crimes they commit in an unjust society that favours one race over another.
- Why blacks disagree – not because you are wrong but because they like to whine and avoid responsibility, are given to emotional Negro thinking and have low IQs. If they had bigger brains and were objective like you, they would see the light – like those Reasonable Negroes they show on television.
It is crucial to raise kids to see people as people.
For the first fifteen years of my life I was unaware racism existed. People looked different from each other, but that didn't mean anyone would be acting a certain way.
When somebody acts racist it still shocks me that ignorance like that goes on. I never let it slide, either, or laugh along to fit in (when a racist joke or snide comment is uttered.) I never, ever fail to point out that kind of ignorance if my child is present, and will make sure the racist is aware of being part of a teachable moment.
When I meet people from other countries, or states, or neighborhoods, or cultures I feel nothing but a genuine curiousity about them, and want to know what their lives were like growing up where they did and how they did. I have no preconceived notions.
Growing up with no prejudgements makes for responsible citizens who are outraged by injustice and willing to do the right thing when they see it happening.
All children should be given the book 'Sneetches' by Dr. Suess (adults should read it as well. I read it as an adult.) It clearly illustrates the ridiculousness of racism in the most simple way
I advise everyone, black and white, to steer clear of cops. In my experience, I've noted that many police officers take an easy road to solving crimes which is more likely to lead to a quick closing of a case rather than any type of "justice." (if anything, this is more about money than it is about color, imo).
This shortcut justice detrimental to all races. If everyone worked together to fix the social injustices occurring at the courthouses daily, we might get closer to a peaceful and cohesive society.
What Wall Street has done is criminal. White collar crime is worse than violent crime because it generally causes the poverty which couses the violent crime.
In poorer neighborhoods with crappy schools the opportunities are much less, and when children are born into this they must spend much of their time concerned with survival (for example: your dad is gone, your mom's at work, you have to watch your sister and take the laundry to the laundry-mat: school isn't number one on that kids mind. Getting through the day is.)
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