Friday, June 15, 2012

Why Has Everyone Forgotten the Four Letter Word that Ruined America: Bush? |

Why Has Everyone Forgotten the Four Letter Word that Ruined America: Bush? |

'via Blog this'

Why Has Everyone Forgotten the Four Letter Word that Ruined America: Bush?

I'm trying to figure out what happened to Bush? I can understand why the Republicans aren't talking about him, but why isn't Obama talking about him, and why aren't the Democrats talking about him? After all - our country is in serious trouble and the reason things are so bad is because of Bush.
Is this whole country in denial? If we're not talking about what Bush did we're not addressing the problem and things are not going to improve unless we talk about the Bush issue. So why is the news media and both the Democrats and Republicans treating Bush like it's a four-letter word?
I'm Marc Perkel - And I approved this message!

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