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This week in the War on Women: Vagina, vagina, vagina. And, oh yeah, vagina. (dailykos.com)I used that word because we were debating a women's health issue. Vagina, by the way, is the correct medical name of a part of women's anatomy lawmakers want to regulate. My statements were within the rules of the House and were clearly appropriate in relation to the bill we were discussing. One of my counterparts, Rep. Mike Callton, R-Nashville, said "vagina" is such a disturbing word that he would never deign to use it in the presence of women or "mixed company." This, from a man who earned a bachelor's degree in biology.
Isn't that something?
These lawmakers — predominantly men — have no problem passing laws about my vagina. But when I dared mention its name, they became outraged.
You know what? I am outraged, too.
I am outraged that this legislative body wants to dictate not only what women can do, but also what we can say. I am outraged that the leaders of the House want to rob me and my constituents of their voice in Lansing. And I am outraged that they think they can do these things with impunity. It is not acceptable for male legislators to silence women and tell us that we can't even speak about our own bodies. And it's not acceptable for House leaders to declare that an elected representative no longer has the right to speak on behalf of her people.
The leaders of the House have shown they will go to great lengths to not hear our voices. I am going to speak out anyway. I urge everyone else who feels the Legislature doesn't hear them to speak up with me.
State Rep. Lisa Brown, D-West Bloomfield Township, represents Michigan’s 39th District in Lansing.
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