'via Blog this'With a congregation of more than 5,000 members, New Salem Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Frank Ray says the sanctity of marriage is still at the heart of his ministry.
"It's one of the most wonderful things that could ever happen to a person in life," said Pastor Frank Ray.
But his seven year marriage to his latest wife, Deborah, has been on the road to destruction.
Ray filed for divorce in March 2012, a few months after a brawl broke out between several women inside the sanctuary involving his wife.
"People came in the church and started a ruckus in the church but it was not like the news reported it," Ray explained.
On May 25, a new report was filed in which the former first lady accused Ray of using his Bentley in an intimating manner to run her down in the driveway.
"She was in the house, standing in the door when I pulled out. No way I could have come close to her at all," he explained.
Pastor Ray said he and his wife share the Bentley, which he picks up from their Eads, Tennessee home every two weeks. He said, before now, there had been no conflict over the car.
"I actually love my wife and have so much respect for her. I would never do that," he said.
There was no answer when Action News 5 stopped by to ask Mrs. Ray about the allegations.
During the on-going divorce proceedings, Ray is calling the church his home.
The pastor pulled off in his BMW to give us a better view of the cream colored Bentley involved in the incident.
Calling the police report fabrications fueled by his wife's emotional instability, Ray said he had hoped they could salvage the marriage.
"I wish that somehow me and my wife could get along and make it but when you can't, you just can't," he said.
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