Friday, June 1, 2012

R Deutsche Bank, Argent Mortgage, Washington Mutual, Citi Residential, Ameriquest | Complaint Review: 378946

Ripoff Report | Deutsche Bank, Argent Mortgage, Washington Mutual, Citi Residential, Ameriquest | Complaint Review: 378946:

'via Blog this'

I don't even remember when, the dreaded foreclosure papers came. I immediately contacted an attorney and asked for his help. No problem he said; give me a $500 retainer and I'll take care of this. He went on to say “With all of the foreclosures happening, trust me; the bank does not want your house”. He said the bank would ask me for about $2,000 down and “trust me...I'm 99% sure that they will drop your interest to a normal rate”. At that time my mortgage interest rate was 12.75%. Bruce told me “we'll get the house reappraised from someone honest and you should be able to start fresh”.
Yeah, right.

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