Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why do most Liberals think Republicans are selfish?

Why do most Liberals think Republicans are greedy and selfish? - Yahoo! Answers:

'via Blog this'Because you don't get the welfare money back just because the Republicans cut welfare. The Republicans keep your taxes up, and give that money to the rich instead, either by donation or by tax break. These gifts to the rich come with no strings attached, so there is no motivation at all for these companies to produce more jobs, keep american jobs in america, or to give their employees a raise. This means that these tax breaks are only good for the economy if the rich feel like making them good for the economy--if they don't feel like it, they just thank uncle sam for not taking as much money this tax day and keep it.

If you didn't collect unemployment when you were laid off, that's your own business--it doesn't make you a better person, it makes you a dumber person. You (or your employer) paid into the system that gives you unemployment INSURANCE, and you decided not to make a claim. You decided that you aren't going to take what is yours. You could have taken it and given it away to a good cause if you felt you shouldn't have it--but instead you just wasted it. That's nothing to give yourself a pat on the back for.

Its because the typical Republican can't grasp the concept of "society", as in what affects one ultimately affects all in some way. They say "its my money noone can tell me what to do with it" while conveniently forgetting that its used to employ firemen and police officers to protect them, upkeep on roads, having their trash removed, etc They want to reap the benefits of society without having to contribute to it.
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        • Because you repeatedly make false claims about welfare, for starters.

          NO ONE on EITHER SIDE supports welfare for people who 'simply refuse to work'....yet your 'giving, caring self can't bother to steer away from talking points that have no relevance to the conversation.

          If you know someone who is stealing from the American people, ALL rational people would tell you to report that person and ALL people who steal from taxpayers. But while you repeatedly bring up the tiny fraction of people who are stealing, we actually want to deal with the legitimate that there are millions of people in real need of aid in this country. They aren't lazy, they aren't looking for a handout, and they aren't 'thugs' or any other of the number of names and stereotypes that your side loves to place on them. They are our seniors, our disabled and Veterans, and 8 million children.

          If you weren't greedy and selfish, you would bother to inform yourself on the issues and not resort to irrelevant partisan attacks when legitimate people's lives hang in the balance..
          • 3 years ago
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    • If it acts, walks, and talks like a neocon, it is. Greedy and selfish is appropriate.

This is why:

You have already answered your own question. I agree. And as a side note, if as an adult you are working a minimum wage job (or two), then I respectfully submit that you have REALLY missed the boat. Minimum wage was never intended to be used as a means of support. It was supposed to be a learning tool for kids in high school so that they can learn how the market place functions. Here's a hint, the more education you have, the more money and more fun you get to have. No one is saying that getting an education is not a challenge, but then the best things in life are rarely every easy.


Business Owner.
  • 3 years ago

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