Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Birth Control, Personal Responsibility, and Idiots

Soraya Chemaly: Is it Your Body or Not? Draw The Line, People:

'via Blog this'

Idiotic response of the day:
Throughout the entire article Chemaly articulated all the rights a woman should have. Noticably missing, however, was the word "responsibility;" as in I am responsible for saying "no I will not have sex" if I cannot afford my birth control pills this month.

Reproduction is not an illness, nor is it a pre-existing condition. It is a conscious choice made by a woman, many of whom want to bear no responsibility for the choice they make. As another woman it is not my responsibility to pay for your birth control method. Nor is it your employer's.

If you need help paying for your prescription, may I suggest you go to the other half of the reason you need one and ask him to pay for his part in the process. 

Rational Answer:
How about women WANT TO HAVE SEX. How about it's a natural biological irrepressible urge for women, too, not just crazy-ass men who are tempted into legitimately raping us. Birth control pills are a health maintenance tool, also. Women are different than men, they have different medical needs, and once a woman is pregnant a whole host of medical issues arise. Preventing these possible issues is a part of maintaining our health. If pregnancy is covered, and it is, so too should the prevention of pregnancy be covered. Additionally, birth control pills are used to regulate other hormonal disorders. Furthermore, you don't hear us saying I don't wanna pay for your diabesity meds, Tubby, because you can't keep your mouth closed.

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