Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Culture of Shame: Women Like Rihanna Face Unfair Scrutiny

Culture of Shame: Women Like Rihanna Face Unfair Scrutiny:

'via Blog this'

(men who make fun of overweight women should have their thyroids's removed as an empathy exercise.)

"...In this instance, again, someone who knows nothing about this woman felt the need to shame her for being overweight, as if she didn't know it (which is the irony when someone tells you you're fat, as stated by Livingston). And anyway, how does that help the person who is struggling with her weight? The viewer's goal was not to help but to harm -- to shame Livingston into doing something about her weight, which in his mind outweighs (tongue planted firmly in cheek) anything else she might have to offer.
Beyond the fact that men, who can't give birth, should never be allowed to criticize a woman who has had children -- particularly with all the changes that women's bodies experience through that process -- is the fact that this man thought it was his right to shame a woman who is paid to inform the public about local news, not to entertain this man's idea of beauty or health. The viewer, who stands by his comments, doesn't know if her weight is due to illness, life demands, an eating disorder or laziness. What he did assume from the outset is that shaming this woman over her weight would be acceptable, and it isn't.

nice post:


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