Monday, April 1, 2013

The Amish Don't Get Autism but They Do Get Bio-Terrorism

The Amish Don't Get Autism but They Do Get Bio-Terrorism:

'via Blog this'Big Business:  Intentionally Creating a Paralyzing Pandemic
The horrors of polio were greatly exaggerated by the allopathic establishment's across-the-board removal of tonsils, which is the onlyorgan that produces polio antibodies.  Coincidentally, around the same time, the newly-created F.D.A. began suppressing the use of silver in medicines, which were the only substances known to kill viruses (like polio).  Finally, 'the solution' that industry desired, namely a vaccine, was released at the time that the epidemic was naturally ending, so that the industry's vaccine could be given credit.  All of this was orchestrated to manipulate the masses into buying into vaccines, radiation, and chemistry for health.
"During the polio epidemics, it was found that people who had their tonsils removed were 3 - 5 times more likely to develop paralysis… There were many at that time that suggested that polio was an iatrogenic disease [caused by the medical establishment] … we caused thousands of cases of paralysis.  We did not cause the polio, but we converted people who would have recovered from a viral illness into people with a paralytic illness.”
-- Dr. Mark Donohoe
With vaccinations, we convert people who may have had natural immune-strengthening infections like the flu, or chickenpox into people who have life-changing disorders like autism.  None of the Amish children who had polio in their stools experienced paralysis, or any other horrific symptoms.  That fortunate conclusion to their infections is likely the result of them lacking the 'miracles' of allopathic medicine.
We must wonder how four Amish children who live in an isolated community managed to become exposed to the unique chemically-inactivated vaccine strain of the polio virus.  It is more than likely that such a thing was intentional, especially when the harassment by local health officials is considered.  In addition, the vaccine strain that was discovered had not been used for five years, due to the possibility of it causing paralysis.  After all, if some Amish children were to get sickened by the polio virus, the Amish may all rush to get their children vaccinated, and the science of vaccinations is proven with a wink and a nod.

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