Monday, September 17, 2012

Patti Stanger Blames Amy Poehler's Professional Success for Failed Marriage

Patti Stanger Blames Amy Poehler's Professional Success for Failed Marriage:

'via Blog this'

According to
 Stanger, the marriage may have failed because Poehler was the primary breadwinner and more successful than her husband, and that "goes against nature." Men need to provide for their families, because that's the way that cavemen were. Does that mean that we should just let our inner-cavepeople determine the way we live? Because if that's the case, then I'm pretty sure they didn't sprinkle Sensa on their food to make it taste gross so you'd lose weight.
Stanger continues:
"Even if your man is the most progressive male on the planet and is completely comfortable with his woman bringing home the bacon, the rest of the world isn't that open-minded. There will undeniably be comments and questions about your relationship dynamic. At first, these may seem like not much more than a silly annoyance, but these comments burn and eventually, they'll wear away at your man's confidence. He'll start to notice the difficulties of your untraditional financial situation."
(So, therefore, that's his problem and you are BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM! Do we really need to coddle these insecure, babyish, annoying men forever and ever? This IS actually a common phenomenon. If the woman is doing better, the man acts like a dick. This is unacceptable. Time to go. My friend, "goodbye, and good riddance.")

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