Thursday, March 29, 2012

James Harrison's pit bull attacks his son and massage therapist - Page 4 - Draft Countdown Forums

James Harrison's pit bull attacks his son and massage therapist - Page 4 - Draft Countdown Forums:

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I am a dog lover. My parents bred Chows growing up, I now breed champ Boxers, here in Phoenix. Like Chows which are mean and unpredictable, I would never own a Pit, and I would never want my kids alone or supervised around a Pit...

My mom was attacked walking me and my brothers down the street, by a loose Pit, the only thing that saved her from getting ripped to shreds, as she kept a stroller between her and the dog(her friend took us and ran like hell) was a stray cockspaniel that happened to get loose. The pit saw her, and bolted for the smaller dog and persued to death grip the neck and kill it, while the ladies sons beat on the dog to get it off, with tools, hammers, etc.

So you might say, well...Bad area the dog wasn't taken care of, fine. We move to north west phoenix, nice area. My dad is working on the air conditioning, my brother is on the fence. He is ripped down by his ankle, and was attacked by our neighbors pit. He needed 41 stitches in his leg and back from the attack. It attacked my best friend's brother(they lived on the other side of us) when it ended up getting loose because one of the kids left the door open. It bit corbin in the hand.

The dog was a family dog, known Brett for years, never showed a sign of aggression. Raised with kids, blah blah Decides to rip him off the fence and tear into him for no reason. I have had too many bad experiences with Pits. have seen them to too many bad things to people, and they always seem like there is a screw loose somewhere. Even champs, I look at and just say something is off.

There are plenty of other dogs that have a similar build, that are good guard dogs, that you really never have to wonder, is this dog going to kill my kid? Attack somebody for no reason unprovoked out of nowhere? I find it rediculouse that these pit apologist give the excuse, well they are in a bad situation, or were not trained properly...REALY??!!REALLY?!!?

Why is it that I have to train a dog, not to attack and maul people or other animals to death? That does not seem like the type of dog or animal I would ever want. I just do not understand it. Seems like you are taking a huge gamble to me.
elway=goat is offline 
Originally Posted by trkaline View Post
I got attacked by a pit when I was about 7 and I hold no ill will against the breed. DOGs do attack people sometimes and to tell people they can't own that kind of dog or this kind of dog is just stupid. If they take away pits next BREAKING NEWS!!! Will be about Rott attacks...then when they go it will be Boxer attacks until it works its way down to Chihuahua attacks then we wont be able to own dogs at all...Then next BREAKING NEWS!!! Will be about Goldfish attacks, The News will take any opening they can to scare the living **** out of you.
Other dogs have the rep, because they are big and typically seen as aggressive, because they have a large head or muscular body. I have never seen one of my dogs act out of aggression nor any other Boxer for that matter. Chows bite more people in Arizona than any other dogs. A chow just recently killed a couples new born. That is the only dog I can remember that has killed someone in recent years, besides a Pit. Its not even about bitting its the potential of the bite+the death. I have never heard of a boxer mauling someone to death. I have heard of a Rott doing it once when I was younger(they have a bad rep because they are big, and are another dog hoodlums like, but they do not attack and kill people nearly as much as pits, its not close actually) that I remember.

My uncle who lives in Cincy says Ohio has banned them. I wouldn't be opposed to Arizona doing it. Im moving to Denver soon, I wouldn't be opposed to them doing it either.
elway=goat is offline 

Originally Posted by trkaline View Post
I just think condemning and species to non-existence is wrong, yes they have the potential to kill and have but it's all about control, If your drunk and lose control of you vehicle and kill a family of four you do not blame the vehicle.
The difference is, the vehicle does not take on the mind of its own, and decide to randomly crash into other peoples cars, or people walking down the street. You are implying that the owner is in complete control of the dog. Like the dog does not have a mind of its own. Wrong...

Come find me when a Chihuahua, Boxer, Goldfish do this to people:



Very graphic
elway=goat is offline  Once again it does happen but not all of them do it, perhaps we should start regulating different races that are more prone to violence than others as well rather than doing it on a case by case basis.

(CASE BY CASE??? Only the ones who maul people? Idiot. What if it was you or your kid? You want to take that chance? YOU want to be the CASE made for the dog having a "problem" with it's "temper."  I am dog-racist, then. I do NOT!)

Im not saying exterminate an entire speices. Im saying, I would not be opposed to making them illegal to buy or sell. There is a reason why states ban these dogs, or other animals. Because they can potentially be dangerous. The last I checked, I do not remember states banning boxers or rotties I could be wrong, but I know for a fact states have banned pits. Not because there is some anti pitbull bius. Its because they are potentially lethal killing machines.

What about licensing them so there just not given to any smuck who wants one, with background checks, home visits and the like would you be apposed to that?

(Gangsters and criminals who own pits don't generally respect the law, so there's a huge amount unlicensed. The responsible owners never have any indication the dog is dangerous right up until the minute it is!)

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