Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Memphis Rotary Club Reports Dogfighting and Theft at MAS « YesBiscuit!

Memphis Rotary Club Reports Dogfighting and Theft at MAS « YesBiscuit!:

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Memphis Rotary Club Reports Dogfighting and Theft at MAS

November 17, 2011

The Memphis Rotary Club’s evaluation of Memphis Animal Services is available online. Read it and weep.  The interviews with various members of management were conducted in August, while Matt Pepper was still director and the webcams were still in place.
I’m providing a summary in my own words below but please read the original document if you feel so inclined.
Everyone in management wanted the webcams removed immediately.  The public gets motivated to action when they see animal abuse on the webcams and of course what people think they see is not what they are really seeing.
The new facility falls short of expectations as far as improvements in cleaning protocols or ability to house more pets.  But it’s nobody’s fault and everyone made sure to pass the buck on that.
The “Friends” group of vols are swell but some other terrorists vols only want to share pictures on the internet of dogs locked in the stray area and they should go to jail.
The previous advisory board was a useless bunch of yahoos who incited terroristsadvocates to rabble rouse and it’s good they’re gone.  The current advisory board is headed by the department division head’s personal vet and he’s a peach.
Dogs and supplies are being sold out the back door at MAS.
It’s too much work to account for all the missing animals at MAS.  They’ve accounted for some, so give it a rest already.
And then there’s this gem:
The employees at every level, while not willing to say so on the record, will readily volunteer that there has been a relationship between certain individuals and the illicit dog fighting rings in the Community. This is particularly true where those who are perceived to be in a protected status are concerned.
Oh.  Oh dear.
Notably absent from the interviews is someone, anyone taking responsibility for the abuse, needless killing, dogfighting activities and theft occurring at MAS.  Not one person.  As such, I guess it’s up to the terrorists compassionate public to once again use their voice to demand reform.
So get on the phone, fax and e-mail and rouse some rabble!

38 Responses to “Memphis Rotary Club Reports Dogfighting and Theft at MAS”

  1. Oh good grief! Why are people down there so unconcerned about this? I guess that makes it pretty evident what happened to poor Kapone! I guess I missed what happened in Hogan’s trial. What was the outcome of it?
  2. Nicci W Says:

    Was anyone else confused about the dual dog cage/gullatine door thing? It appears that Matt Pepper says that would be ideal, but wasn’t in the design and someone else later notes that it is in the design, but probably won’t be used that way (each side of the kennel will house a dog)?????
    Also, all that buck-passing about the inadequacies of the new shelter… Why, if they were all aware of it, didn’t they do something to CHANGE IT???!!! Like, say, scrap the old plans and come up with new ones?!
  3. Nicci W Says:

    On a positive note: AC says he is turning this over to the DA. And on the news last night he mentioned that they have requested proposals for privatizing the shelter.
  4. bamabrie Says:

    I haven’t read the report yet and I intend to, but someone riddle me this: why was an evaluation done by the Rotary Club? What background do they have to even evaluate a broken facility like this? Maybe I’m missing something here and am being too harsh. Seems to me like asking a Chamber of Commerce to evaluate an animal hoarder. There is no logical connection.
    • mikken Says:

      The Mayor asked the Rotary Club…I guess because they were “outside” of the shelter’s shadow.

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