Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cheney Tells America "Go Fu*k yourself - YouTube

Cheney Tells America "Go Fu*k yourself - YouTube:

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  • Dick Cheney said in 1992 that having U.S. troops charged onto Baghdad and oust Saddam from power would have human and politcal consequences, both human lives and money. He also said that taking out Saddam was not worth many U.S. lives because the first Gulf War cost 147 U.S. lives and that would have been stuck in Iraq for years.
    Yet in 2003, Dick Cheney said that liberating Iraq would be cakewalk and that occupation of Iraq takes weeks rather than years. Is this guy a fucking piece of shit?

  • fun fact Dick Cheney has no pulse, his heart does not function he has a pump implanted in his body to keep his blood properly circulating. This man should've been dead a long time ago, I have never wished death upon anyone even my worst enemy but this cunt is the exception. Die you old haggard piece of shit; I hope your pump breaksdown and you go to hell like you deserve. Don't keep the devil waiting...he needs a vice president!

  • Uploaded by  on Mar 20, 2008
    After being told two-thirds of Americans now think the war was not worth fighting, Cheney replied: "So?" "So you don't care what the American people think?"

    Of course Cheney admitted later that there "Never was a connection between Iraq and 9/11".

    Cheney Also admitted he set the Plame CIA leak in motion.


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