Tuesday, June 19, 2012

End welfare? - What if there was no welfare?

End welfare? - What if there was no welfare?:

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    kitten Jan 14, 2011 @ 2:39 am
    15 years ago I was working as a representative for our Headstart, this was during the Welfare reform period. The US also closed many bases,during my travels to conferences I noticed these bases being remodeled...I asked a constrution worker why and what was going on, he stated they also had built orphanges in the old schools, he found that strange. When they finally close the welfare program they will offer people the oppurtunity to retain custody of their children if you conform and live on their compound. Total govnt control over your lives-People need to be more informed of their rights as people of this nation before we lose all rights we have in the Constitution. When we as the people see injustices its not only our right but our duty to make a change, are we going to wait till they steal all our babies because we our poor???? Or all or property due to lose of jobs.. New World Order is not the answer- we need to remember whats more valuable our lives or money..They are stealing babies and getting away with it through our OCS programs causing unbeliveable trauma to families, but the richer ones need children- healthy children. With no children , no welfare.

    End welfare? - What if there was no welfare?

    Ranked #381 in Culture & Society, #9,465 overall | Donates to Food for Everyone Foundation

    End welfare? What would happen to humanity if there was no welfare?

    Welfare, as an institution ofgovernment, may be on the way out. What will happen to welfare recipients if there is no welfare? What can they expect? Can welfare be done away with - without causing mass starvation? Why do we have welfare? Is it necessary? I've stated some of my thoughts on the welfare state on this page and I'm asking you to think over the issues and contribute to the conversation at the end of the page.

    What if there was no welfare?

    ...would all the poor people die?

    If there was no welfare, working people wouldn't have to support non-working people, but would taxes go down or would the government find some other reason to keep our money? Of course not all poor people would die, but would some of them? Do we have to view this process of release from the welfare state as one of coping with "acceptable loss?" I would have a hard time with that. Even one child dying because of poverty seems like too much to me. I've been on the fence with welfare issues for many years. I can see that the welfare state has robbed people of motivation, encouraged dependency, and created an era of protracted poverty mentality. But how can we withdraw a helping hand when so many are destitute already? Do you think it couldn't happen? Already California's governor tried to abolish welfare for the poor, and if it could happen here, it could happen anywhere. Our country is in very bad shape, financially. How can we continue sending support checks to so many?

    Would children starve?

    ...or would community organizations pitch in to help them?

    I've met so many generous people, especially since I started writing here on Squidoo, a site that was created to make donations to charities. This site has definitely helped me to become more charitable. But is charity enough to supply the needs of the poor and destitute? Today while doing the research for this lens on YouTube I came across a video about Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, a church that attempts to help the ailing and suffering masses in the poorest districts of that city. Though charity was massive and constant, they still didn't think they'd be able to do enough to fulfill all the needs of the people who would be left suffering if welfare ended. I believe many people will help more, so much as they can, but that not all people will find the kind of help they need when they need it. Single mothers may be one of the most difficult groups to help because they can't work if they can't maintain a home and child care. If welfare ends, there will probably be a lot more people dining in soup kitchens. A society encouraging charity would be an amazingly different place than this society we have dependent on welfare.

    Would families be destitute and line the streets with tents?

    ...would they ever get on their feet and find housing and jobs?

    If all the money the government spends on hand-outs was instead spent on putting poor Americans to work, these people might have hope. To pull the rug out from under them without helping them find stable situations would be cruel. That begs the question - how cruel can we be? It seems some politicians have no problem with forcing people into the streets and out of their homes. If you're living on the poverty level and on any kind of welfare program, you had better invest in a good tent and other camping equipment, just in case. Start now to create your own backup plan so if everything crashes down around you -- you can walk out of your comfort zone without being in a panic.

    Would young women be more careful not to get pregnant?

    ...would the birth rate go down? ...would the abortion rate go up?

    Most of us would like for young women to think before they agree to be in a situation where pregnancy could happen. Our country isn't focused on trying to make young people resist having sex, however. In fact, sex education as taught in the schools may encourage early experimentation.

    When my daughter was 12 and in eight grade I was notified by the school that if she wanted birth control, school officials would take her to the clinic behind my back and I would not be notified. (Crazy, in my opinion, but true! This is California!) So perhaps that's our civilization's answer... teach them about sex, take them to the clinic for birth control, and send them out on the streets.

    Would these well-educated young ladies be more careful not to get pregnant? Perhaps they'd be more careful to get birth control, at the very least... but isn't free birth control a form of welfare? Who pays for that?

    And oh, one more thing. The school notified me that if my daughter needed an abortion she could get that through them without notifying me. So, that's another option, presumably somehow paid for by the government.

    It is hard to get away from government funded welfare programs these days.

    Would young fathers-to-be be more likely to stay with the women they impregnated?

    ...would they take responsibility and be fatherly at a young age?

    Here's a very heart-warming notion. Would young fathers be more likely to stay with their girlfriends who were pregnant because they would no longer be able to think, "she can get welfare," or "she can get an abortion paid for by medicare," or "they can get food stamps?"

    Would they realize they created a life (I don't want to say 'made a mistake') and try to do something manly like get a job and support mother and child?

    Or would they freak out and become hobos while their children starved? What do you think would happen most often?

    A guide for teenage parents

    ...stay together if you can!

    Your Baby's First Year: A Guide for Teenage Parents (Teen Pregnancy and Parenting series)

    Your Baby's First Year: A Guide for Teenage Parents (Teen Pregnancy and Parenting series)

    Amazon Price: $7.70 (as of 06/19/2012)Buy Now

    Would young single mothers be supported by their families instead?

    ...if they couldn't get welfare, would their families help out?

    Isn't that how it used to work, before welfare? If a young woman was in the family way, she was in B-I-G trouble if there was no man to step up and claim responsibility. These women typically had to incur the wrath of their parents and remain living with them. It was a terrible, scary situation for most of them.

    Nowadays, if they're pregnant they can get welfare and move out on their own. Their parents may still be furious, but they don't have to live with the old folks.

    It seems the 'new morality' is that you don't have to worry about being unmarried and pregnant. In 2009 almost half of all births in the United States were to unmarried mothers. This just doesn't have the same social stigma it used to.

    See statistics in the NY Times: Out-of-Wedlock Birthrates Are Soaring, U.S. Reports.


    This reminds me of a memoir I recently read. It is about a girl child who was raised by her single mother, who had to live with the grandparents. It took place before and during World War II in Belgium. A fascinating story!

    Debate about the need for welfare...

    Thomas Sowell vs. Pennsylvania Secretary of Welfare, Helen O'Banion

    He is one of millions who think poor people would be better off without welfare.

    Thomas Sowell - Welfare
    by LibertyPen | video info

    1,714 ratings | 176,926 views
    curated content from YouTube

    Would more children be taken care of by grandmas while their parents worked?

    ...somebody will have to take care of them!

    I think there's no doubt that more children would be left with their grandmas (or grandpas) because the end of welfare also means the end of government subsidized child care such as Head Start programs and maybe even all public schools, since the government school system is another form of welfare. (Of course - government likes that because it gives them a chance to inculcate their values into the children at an early age.)

    But what about families where the single mom is working at the local pizza parlor for minimum wage plus tips, and she has no family to leave her children with. This could be a disaster! I believe most families would be able to manage just fine, but it is those isolated cases of destitution and hardship that would keep me up at night. Would private charitable organizations be able to pick up the slack?

    Does welfare ruin ambition?

    ...does desperation promote income generation?

    powered by Youtube

    Would people be more likely to seek creative income opportunities?

    ...there's no time like the present to brainstorm income producing activities.

    For every door that closes, another opens. Don't be afraid of the future, because usually the door that opens leads to something far better than what was left behind.

    Not every person can hold down a full time job, but everyone can think of something to do that would be creative, feasible, and profitable.

    Have you read Acres of Diamonds - a speech by Russell Conwell? If not, this is the perfect time - don't hesitate! It is available at that link I just gave you...

    ...or buy it at Amazon:
    Acres of Diamonds: All Good Things  Are Possible, Right Where You Are, and Now!

    Acres of Diamonds: All Good Things Are Possible, Right Where You Are, and Now!

    Amazon Price: $6.08 (as of 06/19/2012)Buy Now

    Would the economy be stimulated because more people were working?

    ...economic recovery by ending welfare?

    I am no economics expert, so I can't answer this question. I'm putting it out here for others to consider.

    I believe it helps for people to have lower expectations of what life should be giving them. Joy in living a simple life is what has saved me... there's still plenty of happiness to be had even if you can't buy everything you want.

    The woman in the next video got off welfare and within a few years became a millionaire. She did it by hard work and saving money.

    From welfare to millionaire

    ...she wants to tell you how she did it!

    powered by Youtube

    Books about welfare

    For and against...

    The Welfare State Nobody Knows: Debunking Myths about U.S. Social Policy

    The Welfare State Nobody Knows: Debunking Myths about U.S. Social Policy

    Amazon Price: $22.96 (as of 06/19/2012) Buy Now
    American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare

    American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare

    Amazon Price: $4.42 (as of 06/19/2012) Buy Now
    Never Enough: America's Limitless Welfare State

    Never Enough: America's Limitless Welfare State

    Amazon Price: $10.65 (as of 06/19/2012) Buy Now
    Flat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform

    Flat Broke with Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform

    Amazon Price: $7.00 (as of 06/19/2012) Buy Now

    Would people be more likely to grow gardens?

    ...I sure hope so!

    My grandmother had a little sign in her flower garden... it said, "One is nearer God's heart in a garden, than anywhere else on earth." I finally found the poem that line came from and put it on this lens: Preparing Garden Soil. If you've never had a vegetable garden before, that lens is a good place to start.

    For those of you living in apartments: Urban Farming: Window Farms.

    There's nothing quite as sweet as self-sufficiency. "God bless the child who's got his own."

    What do you think would happen if there were no welfare at all?

    ...meaning no food stamps, no cash aid, no medical aid, no unemployment insurance, no SSI, no child welfare, no corporate welfare. Nothing.

    So, what's your opinion on all this?


    Welfare must end!

    I think WIC, welfare, food stamps should be OUTLAWED, unless for the severly disabled or eldery. I see so so soooooo many people cashing in the food stamps while wasting all the money they make on beer!!!! I see too many teens and adults having babies more and more, encouraged by the fact they know the state ( I live in TX) will be providing them with housing and money. I know so many people that cheat and steal on the hard working person's taxes. enough is enough! but I know it won't end :(
    Angie says:
    Does it really have to be all or nothing? I believe in medical assistance to those who are disabled, however, most people end up on welfare for the choices they make. You can choose to get a high school diploma or drop out and work at fast-food. If you chose to have unprotected sex as a teenager and get pregnant tax-payers shouldn't be penalized for your mistake. If your parents are poor you can get a pell-grant and go to college for free. If you chose not to do so tax-payers should not be penalized.

    My main issue with the welfare system is that many teenagers are getting pregnant and deciding to keep the child once they realize that tax-payers will not only support their child, but them as well. There is a long waiting list of couples that are more than financially able to care for and love a child. There are many couples that want a child more than anything in the world but cannot conceive. I believe that welfare is making it more difficult for loving couples to adopt because there are more and more teenagers that decide to raise their children on welfare instead of put them up for adoption.
    GG says:
    I work for a welfare agency, and must admit that a vast majority of people lie and cheat the government. They don't have to provide any form of verification, we have to take their word and go with it, and hand out food stamps. Many people think its their right to get food stamps, like its some sort of earned income.
    They have children every year (for free/medicaid) no deductible, no bill...
    they get upset when they only get 600 a month for food stamps, but their neighbor gets 800 a month...I have heard it all and could go on an on and on...
    Many people in the US have no clue what really goes on ... I see it everyday...
    It must end, lets just find a way to give everyone a job and go from there...
    kS says:
    i say welfare must end especially to teenagers......let them figure out how are they are going to pay for their labor make them work as hard as we do.......Hi I am a CSR I make a desent amount of money to support my kid and myself single mother pay my own rent and bills with out any help from the goverment ...suspended my medical for my kid about some months ago because of my excelent work got promoted 2 times they told me I can sustain my child and myself and pay for doctor visits myself. and while some other people live from welfare i have to work 2 jobs just to pay my rent and because a low income apartment is the same amount of money if i own my own place this subject just makes me so upset...people working while others just wach tv and still get paid :(
    JD says:
    I am a cashier and see the "welfare" of many, and it seems to me that this support is so that, I'll call them "the lazy", can afford their iPhones, nails, hair, lottery tickets, alcohol and tobacco. Oh, don't forget they can now use their food stamps to buy food for their parties and candy for all of the children. I have seen people purchase STEAK for their dogs because food stamps won't "cover" dog food. I also had someone tell me that they couldn't "afford" to return to work because their welfare check is bigger and got an increase in their food stamp allowance. So, meanwhile, I am working not just one, but TWO jobs to make ends meet and I still don't make enough to make a dent in my student loans (of which the interest is going to double I hear) and to see other's getting a handout, It is depressing and I wonder why things are so MESSED up. I was told to work hard and earn your keep, and to see so many who don't work at all and have the government hand their dream to them at MY expense just makes me LIVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's called get a job, or two, and WORK....there are jobs out there, and the most available one's are service related jobs in which one has to REALLY work hard to get the pay....people just won't humble themselves to do it. That's the problem. Forget birth control, how about abstinence?? Get out of the bedroom and into the office and then when people can AFFORD a relationship, enough to commit and get married and EARN a living to provide for their own, then that would be the time to get involved....instead of making the country's workforce pay for them. Agggh! Ending welfare would be enough to cut spending and save some money!
    Rachel says:
    Welfare is so abused. Get rid of it. It promotes dependency and laziness. They would figure it out. I came from "poor" but with strong work ethic worked myself into the middle class. Why is welfare in such excess. I have a family of 5 and don't need spend $700 month on groceries. Why should they? And why not cut coupons? I do. I want to add to my family, but I'm hesitate due to financial restraints. Yet those on welfare don't have that financial restraint and then take my tax dollars for being so irresponsible (and keep getting more money each time). SO frustrated.
    Tom says:
    drastically reduce it or end it! it's at most short-term assistance. otherwise, it breeds laziness and dependence. If you can't find work, you're not trying hard enough. can't afford house? find a roommate(s). kids, houses and cars are not rights, but a privilege to be able to afford! find smaller housing, less kids, no car. magic.
    me says:
    welfare breeds welfare
    bob says:
    wow that youtube vid of the welfare to millionare is really cool
    Anne says:
    I work in law enforcement and several of the female inmates have admitted to me that they got pregnant deliberately for the purpose of receiving welfare, food stamps and housing. I feel people would be forced into being responsible if there were no welfare. Welfare has become a way of life for many people and they have regressed.
    melanie says:
    end it or redesign it! its ok to help people through a rough time.
    it is outrageous to support them a lifetime. and its equally outrageous to encourage idiots and lazy asses to breed as a means of getting free money from the state
    jeehan-novida says:
    we will survive!!! because from my experience, theres no welfare in my country. starving people become something usual in the news. but somehow, they survive. even they never get cash aid, medical aid and others.
    Jeff says:
    The only thing welfare is doing is creating lazy people and lazy workers. You can't have great companies with everyone on minimum wage or barely over. ITS only great to those few groups on top. In the end you get a lousy service. I didn't know welfare fraud was as bad until I married this latina. Wow the whole family is on welfare!? And they work? A couple of the guys make more money than I do a year! So I asked my wife lets jump on it...easy as pie her sisters and cousin all helped her...basically just say your separated. 500 bucks a month, formula paid, doc visits paid....lobsters every Friday! cookouts every weekend! Hey don't judge me I pay my taxes too.

    But I hate these people and I was becoming one. I tore the card up, my wife wanted to use it again....nope I told her there is no way we will be motivated to do better. Boy do I feel like a dummy, because of the spread of corporate greed and sorry wages, no benefits...our jobs have been stagnant for years and we are slowly going further into debt.

    If you have a lone star card or whatever, don't get rid of it use it, nothing will happen and you will finally have money or eat well. We went from eating romin noodles to EATING LIKE KINGS! man I missed those steaks and lobsters I want welfare back!!

    after reading this TRUE story and you still think it should stay...you and I are the reasons this country is starting to stink
    Chris says:
    One of the major problem's with ending social services would be the millions of working poor who now rely on the government for just about everything.Without welfare how would companies like walmart find employees?Would they be required to pay more in order to find non-homeless employees?Remember America's economy has shifted from manufacturing,where a under educated person could earn enough to raise a family,to a service economy,where most job's pay around minnimum wage.This new economy is reliant on government to fill in the blanks left by the low wages,otherwise they would have to raise wages in order to make sure their employee's were at least feed and housed.Unfortunatly welfare has become part of American life,from farmer's that rely on fram subsidiaries to companies that rely on the government to ensure its' worker are taken care with Medicaid and feed with food stamps hundreds of millions of American rely on welfare.
    Dale says:
    end welfare
    taxpayer says:
    Though I now that ending all forms of aid would be hard on some but in the long run it would be beneficial to all and cause a serious reevaluation of most priorities which a lot of folks are in need of .I do think the system is extremely Flawed and send the message that I can be lasy and irresponsible and the government will take care of me because I deserve it I find this discusting
    Jake1403 says:
    I believe all publicly mandated, government enforced welfare should end. I also believe we have a charitable obligation to others. I do not believe these two statements are necessarily inconsistent with each other. Charity for those less fortunate is one of the primary moral imperatives of Judeo-Christian culture. And, if one is a believing member of these, and other, religions, then it is understood that charity for others is a personal obligation.

    That's the difference. I believe all the people who are horrified that the poor will have no homes, no food, no clothing, no opportunity to climb out of poverty, are to be encouraged in their concern. It should however, be funneled to private institutions, privately run.

    I think our society is becoming dangerously confused regarding "obligations of charity" and "rights of ownership". The fact is that a person owns the money and assets they have earned with their work. Period. Society has no legal claim beyond what is agreed to be apportioned to the community from each individual for the conduct of things like commerce, military operations, and protection of public safety. Governments can get involved in improving education, starting new job skill training programs and encouraging the direction of the worker base toward long term opportunities. But it is not the business of government to take care of the unfortunate, and less fortunate. That is a private matter. No one has rights of claim on the property of another beyond what is agreed to as needed to "run the society".

    If someone needs something from another, i.e. some of their money, to address needs they have as a result of their own indiscretions or simply misfortune, they can only ask for what they need. They can not take. Taking care of the poor must be viewed as a voluntary act an individual chooses to do in the privacy of their life. If you want to protect the poor, begin by placing a high value on personal charity. This should be taught in the home, school and all social settings.

    I want the same end as those who worry about the welfare of the poor, I just dont believe it is the business of government. The failure we are seeing now in our society is NOT the results of a government that does not do enough, it is the fault of each of us for not demanding of ourselves a full commitment to our own private obligations of charity.
    youshouldknow says:
    Do not end welfare, change it. The monies from social programs line the pockets of the wealthy and middle class. The fed will cut 22 billion this year from the WIC program. Walmart weeps. Funds from welfare, section 8, food stamps, medicaid are not collecting interest in some recipient's bank account. These funds go directly to the landlords, supermarkets, stores, small businesses, doctors use it to start their practice, pharmacies and hospitals make billions, unscrupulous check cashing and rent-to-own industry. If you removed all of this funding from the budget this is what would happen. They would be fewer jobs, people with jobs pay taxes. For every person on welfare, 8 jobs are created, one dollar spent on a program generates $12 in the economy. This is the business of poverty. Everything cost the poor more money. It seems that Reagan understood, you can not give massive tax breaks to the wealthy without supporting the underclass. There are people in American society who lack basic skills, are functionally illiterate and will never be mainstream working folk. Without a jobs or welfare, crime rates would explode. You would see anarchy in the streets. You would see a further erosion of the middle class. There is no such thing as 100% employment!

    Revamp welfare. It was meant for women and children. Why are grown men living in federally subsidized housing? Women and children only Violators will be evicted. This is the reason the ghettos are a war zone. DRUG testing for all recipients should be mandatory, don't want a drug test.. Get a job. You are allowed one child, have more than one child, and the benefits stay the same. You do not get a 4 br house and $1000 in food stamps because you had a litter of children. Abortion on demand and free (accessible) birth control. Make teacher's salaries competitive $100k a year in order to attract the best candidates. When someone says that they are majoring in education, people laugh in their faces.

    No one wants to get real about welfare. You should find it ironic that there are stringent requirements for everyone except welfare recipients. There's simply too many on the dole, from the grant writers to the politicians. Welfare is the scapegoat for political ineptness and thievery. It pits the middle class against the poor while the wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Yes, we should do an experiment and end welfare. When you are waiting for your taxes to decrease, I suggest that you do not hold your breath. It would be interesting to see what new evil the conservatives will rail against. Hmmm, perhaps it could be massive jobs being outsourced to foreign countries.. Good luck with that.
    Youshouldknowthis says:
    Do not end welfare, change it. The monies from social programs line the pockets of the wealthy and middle class. The fed will cut 22 billion this year from the WIC program. Walmart weeps. Funds from welfare, section 8, food stamps, medicaid are not collecting interest in some recipient's bank account. These funds go directly to the landlords, supermarkets, stores, small businesses, doctors use it to start their practice, pharmacies and hospitals make billions, unscrupulous check cashing and rent-to-own industry. If you removed all of this funding from the budget this is what would happen. They would be fewer jobs, people with jobs pay taxes. For every person on welfare, 8 jobs are created, one dollar spent on a program generates $12 in the economy. This is the business of poverty. Everything cost the poor more money. It seems that Reagan understood, you can not give massive tax breaks to the wealthy without supporting the underclass. There are people in American society who lack basic skills, are functionally illiterate and will never be mainstream working folk. Without a jobs or welfare, crime rates would explode. You would see anarchy in the streets. You would see a further erosion of the middle class. There is no such thing as 100% employment!

    Revamp welfare. It was meant for women and children. Why are grown men living in federally subsidized housing? Women and children only Violators will be evicted. This is the reason the ghettos are a war zone. DRUG testing for all recipients should be mandatory, don't want a drug test.. Get a job. You are allowed one child, have more than one child, and the benefits stay the same. You do not get a 4 br house and $1000 in food stamps because you had a litter of children. Abortion on demand and free (accessible) birth control. Make teacher's salaries competitive $100k a year in order to attract the best candidates. When someone says that they are majoring in education, people laugh in their faces.

    No one wants to get real about welfare. You should find it ironic that there are stringent requirements for everyone except welfare recipients. There's simply too many on the dole, from the grant writers to the politicians. Welfare is the scapegoat for political ineptness and thievery. It pits the middle class against the poor while the wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Yes, we should do an experiment and end welfare. When you are waiting for your taxes to decrease, I suggest that you do not hold your breath. It would be interesting to see what new evil the conservatives will rail against. Hmmm, perhaps it could be massive jobs being outsourced to foreign countries.. Good luck with that.
    IMPORTANT says:
    Welfare is not necessary at all. Telling people it is ok to sit at home and get paid for it having hard working Americans pay for them so they wont have to work. I do understand that disability is needed for people who are actually disabled not for anyone who has a headache so they can get on disability and get a free hand out isn't what welfare is there for for. Instead of giving money to anyone and everyone who ask for it, let them ask for a job and spend the money you would have given them every month to find them a stable job and if they quit or get fired it is their fault. Much better than just giving a free had out and saying that it is ok.
    ashley says:
    Stop welfare I am 12 years old and
    I even know girls my age are having babies this has to stop so say of they knew the couldn't get help the wouldnt have them so America need to stop wellfare and invest that money in to fixing this economy. It's not fare to us tax payers
    WhiteSites says:
    People appreciate everything in life when they have to work to get it. Else they will take these things for granted, which causes increased waste. Get Rid of Welfare, and yes you will have some people that will not adapt, and resort to crime. Others will be forced to change their ways, when they can't get credit, and have no money for food and housing. Welfare is accepted by the rich as they see it as an easier solution to control the masses.
    micha says:
    i only believe in disabiity and unemployment. welfare and food stamps have got to go. they sell the stamps anyway. i have a great example: i know someone in cali that has been on welfare for more than 20 years. why should she stop? she gets her housing, food, medical and clothes paid for. why would she work? in nevada i have a friend who applied for welfare when she lost her job. their system is much different that out here. they were going to give her $230 in cash and $115 a month in food stamps for her and her 2 kids. that's it. within a week she was at a new job. if cali would limit welfare/food stamps to a 2 year life time max, and make the benefits just cover necessities only, maybe they would have no choice but to work also.
    micha says:
    i only believe in disabiity and unemployment. welfare and food stamps have got to go. they sell the stamps anyway. i have a great example: i know someone in cali that has been on welfare for more than 20 years. why should she stop? she gets her housing, food, medical and clothes paid for. why would she work? in nevada i have a friend who applied for welfare when she lost her job. their system is much different that out here. they were going to give her $230 in cash and $115 a month in food stamps for her and her 2 kids. that's it. within a week she was at a new job. if cali would limit welfare/food stamps to a 2 year life time max, and make the benefits just cover necessities only, maybe they would have no choice but to work also.
    clifRad says:
    Institutional giving is bondage. People helping people is how it should be done. For every homeless person there are 99 who aren't. Not all will be helped, I know I work with them. Say half would take a hand up that means there 198 of us to everyone of them.

    Programs and taxes are a cheap buy out for people to feel good about themselves. They do not want the personal inconvenience.

    Lastly 50% of tax money is wasted (see Gallop poll) therefore if $1,000 of my taxes went to the poor only $500 would trickle out to the program which eats up only God knows how much to finally give a pittance to the poor.

    I'll keep my thousand and help the poor around me while the government and there supporters chase their tails.
    JOse says:
    I don't care, if they die as long as they don't get money fron us the tax payers.
    Benchimus says:
    How is SSI welfare? SSI is (or at least should be) money you paid in over your lifetime. In either case, the country would be better off if all other things are left the same. Much less money going out of our already broke government. Work or starve, easy as that.
    Sophie says:
    To hell with welfare!! Give benefits to those HARD working people!!! I work hard and never had welfare. This is not just a temporary help, this a permanent form of living, they are passing down to their children. Working people should be prized, health and child care at least, for contributing to the country. End welfare now!!!
    Free Cash$ says:
    The system in the US and in the commonwealth of PA is a joke. I have had friends going through divorces turned away. Where is the bleeding hearts for their children?

    To condone the waste of welfare to moneys spent on an unpopular war is like the supporters of funds spent on war pointing out stealing tax payers' money for welfare. Neither side makes sense.

    I think end it now. Too many problems to correct. If, it was later going to be re-estiblished then give them food and clothing. Not $ to spend where they please. Give them clothing and when it is worn out or their children out grow, then they can exchange articles of clothing for new articles of clothing. This insures they are not selling their clothes for cash. Make all clothing and food-made in USA. Who will man these distribution centers? All those hard-working people who would rather be working than getting a hand out (yeah, right). Don't show up to help your shift-benefits are canceled.

    And for all this poor, single mom's made out to be the "victim", were they all raped? I knew what the outcome would have been if I got someone pregnant. It is time for Americans to take responsibility for their actions.
    terry says:
    End Welfare NOW !!!!
    AngelaR says:
    I really loathe the welfare system. As it stands now, what started as a helping hand to families in need, is now abused. And no one is governing. I know of a woman who had three daughters on welfare. Her daughters grew up on welfare untill they had children of their own. And guess what? They are also on welfare. So you're talking about generations on welfare! And none of these women have ever had jobs. People need to learn how to provide for themselves.
    gainfully employed says:
    I think we need a few months unemployment insurance, but it is ridiculous to have it for longer than that. I lost m yjob years ago, and I was turning in applications 10 minutes after it happened. I landed on my feet within two months, not because the government took care of me, I took care of me. I know people who work long enough to collect it, and that sickens me. I believe we as a generous society, have the means and social conscience to take care of those less fortunate who cannot care for themselves, and I think a private system would be fairer and more efficient.
    kiwinana71 says:
    Welfare must end. It is just a way of life now, a system of abusing it and getting what they can from it. Welfare as we know it (in New Zealand Too) must end. No country can afford it, laws need to be changed. I do not know what the solution is, but now is the time to change it, while times are hard and people can learn ways to stop wasting, recycling, stop smoking, drinking and spend more time with their famlies, growing their own food, plus a whole lot more, I could go on for ever, I will stop now.
    greg landry says:
    give the wounded troops all the assistance they need.there is no motivation for all these fat lazy sows to find a job and support themselves. i live in massachusetts where they treat these lazy do nothing pigs better than the tax payers. i have to decide what to buy in a grocery store while these vile pigs buy the store up and then hop into a late model lexus and drive away.the takers outnumber the givers so politicians are to afraid to say it like it is because these sows will not vote for them.this is a big reason why we are in such peril as a country. these programs are expensive and they are draining the system. my wife and i work 4 jobs and we are just getting by.gas, food and eveything else is going up. people are getting laid off , but no one on welfare are getting reductions.people wake up and realize there is a big major problem and the only thing that these scumbag politicians want to do is raise taxes again and again so these lazy pigs are kept happy and will vote democrat. end welfare or make these pigs do public service for there welfare.(clean streets,parks ect).we all work why can.t they?
    silver says:
    I think as the years have passed welfare is no longer an aid to help it has become a way of life. If they need assistance, there is WIC. Why not have a building and have commodities. Just nessecities: toilet paper, shampoo, deodorant, bread, milk, certain cereal (no sugar), eggs, good items. Not soda, candy chips, Cause they eat bad and then we have to pay for their health care also. But only allow it for 6mo and have to do work search...and this place could help place you for work. I guarentee if you and your family were going to starve you would work anywhere. Not just sit waiting for my hard earned money. They can smoke, drink beer, have cell phones, interent, ipods, ect those are LUXURAIES!!!!!!! NOT NECCECITIES!!!!!
    pub.asst.servant says:
    I work in a doctor's office and I can tell you that 99% of the people on welfare abuse the system! The minute they get pregnant they want to be taken off "work" a program that is called Work First and they have to go to classes to learn how to apply for a job...really they can't even pretend to work the system!! When did getting pregnant and having a child making you unable to work (disabled). These people come in with brand name clothes, hair and nails done and you should see how nice their children look. Oh, by the way a lot of them have a blackberry phones too! Their children misbehave and then the moms yell and threaten their children with verbal and/or physical abuse. Wow...they are really doing their job being a "at home mom"....which is their occupation. Didn't anyone tell them that the government can not be the FOB--the daddy. Families need to step up to the plate and take care of their own. I was a unwed mother going into her fourth year of college. I quit school lived with my parents who told me to straighten up my life, that they wouldn't babysit..that I was the mom and told me grow up and take care of your child or give him up for adoption. I got a job, had no help from the government. He is now 20 and finishing up his 3'rd year at college. The problem with America is they have lost their faith. If everybody feared God like they use to it would be a better society.
    tina says:
    Welfare just enables people to continue to lay on their backs and collect a free check every month. End the welfare system for those who continue to keep on having children. Most of what I see use the money to buy drugs, coach bags, get their nails and hair done, they are not using that money to take care of their children. The grandmothers are already taking care of these children. They work they system and its shameful that the government allows them to continue to do so. What is even more insulting is I put so much money into the government and I get hardly nothing back, but a person getting welfare can file an income tax return to get money for each child that they have givne birth to. You are rewarding them for having no self control and not working for a living and I am being punished because I did things the right way. People would think twice before just having kids with just anyone without have the funds to take care of those children....why continue to have kids if you can take care of them...as long as there is welfare....they see no need to get a job...or make them do volunteer services to get that free money every month and if any one has children or themseleves on welfare and they get a WIC check or welfare check, or foodstamps they should not be allowed to file an income tax return and claim children especially when the children don't live with them....the government is fighting about money and healthcare....get rid of welfare and there is the money....
    JoanneBritchard says:
    I think welfare needs to end to save our economy by encouraging people to work hard and efficiently. People can achieve their goals if they have the the ambition to do so and people need to get out of the mindset that they couldn't "survive" without welfare. Maybe not to today's standards initially, but its easy to live in the world today.
    RandyK54 says:
    We need to remember that there really was no welfare until the 60s. My Grandmother did just fine and lived a joyous life with no electricity, running water or indoor plumbing. She raised chickens and abundant quantities of vegetables with the help of her kids, most of whom went on to college. Now people think they have a God given right to a cell phone and flat screen TV. I have an ER doc of 25 years and I have had it about to the gills with deadbeats abusing both me and the ED staff, refusing to get off the cell phone long enough to provide a history, intentionally coming to the ER for minor illnesses to avoid a 3 buck doctor's office copayment, and threatening lawsuits if they do not get narcotics. Always able to afford a fresh nail job. Can't pay an office co-pay but no problem spending $600 of our money on an ER visit, though. This is the reality of Medicaid and welfare today, sense of entitlement, laziness and sloth. I make a good income, but still homestead, and if I lost my income would not need the government to help me. Also have been employed since age 12, through recessions, high school, college and medical school, sometimes in some literally "crappy" jobs, but ANY work is better than no work.
    RandyK says:
    I think we need to remember that there was no welfare until the mid 60s. We managed for almost 200 years without it. I am an ER Physician and get really tired of being treated like the indentured servant by Medicaid moms who can't get off of their cell phones long enough to discuss why they are in the ER to begin with. Always have a fresh nail job are the first to tell us that they come to the ER to avoid paying a three buck co-pay at the doctor's office. No problem spending our $600 for an ER visit though. My grandmother seemed to do just fine without electricity or indoor plumbing, raising a litter of kids who all helped raise and slaughter the chickens, work the garden and who all eventually went to college. What a novel way of doing things!
    lisa says:
    Bring it on - the sooner the better!!!
    pairadice3007 says:
    Imagine what our country would be like if welfare never started...
    The pictured that is painted if welfare were to suddenly end is a grim one that, in my opinion, is too severe. We wouldn't be in the situation we are if people depended less on the government and more on other options such as friendship, responsibility, or religious organizations. And one important point is that although welfare is good for those who need it, it is also stripping those who pay for it of their freedom of choice. Either way, we are becoming slaves to the system on both ends. Welfare makes those who "need" it a slave to themselves and obviously those who are forced to pay for it may be considered slaves to the system. If we were to change the definition of welfare from that of government support to support by individual, free entities, I believe we all would be a lot better off.
    roslyn says:
    as a former welfare caseworker:
    If you are looking to government you are not looking out for yourself nor your best interests. If you trust government to care you are mistaken. You are a statistic for the system to justify it's existence. The end is coming. The entire system, not just welfare, is not sustainable.
    charlino says:
    When nanny states absolve people of their personal responsibilities in trade for political support, they bind the hands of those they were designated to help. Money collected via forced taxation to pay for those who need it most usually benefit only the beaurocracies that were designed to distribute and hoard the funds.

    Those who are taxed usually cannot afford to give as much as they would like to charities, churches, or those who need it most. Churches tend to be more charitble in foreign lands rather than extend their helping hand at home, and those who are willing to share what they have are less likely to help others - including their own family members - while living under the guise that a government safety net will be there to catch everyone when they fall. Collective agencies tend to fall prey to greed at all levels from within and without the welfare machine. History has shown that social policies never cure society's ills.
    foovay says:
    I have had teen mothers tell me they and their friends got pregnant and had children on purpose because it was a way to move out from their parents home - then they were free to "party" all the time in their own welfare subsidized home, with a welfare income to pay for booze and pot and pizza. Grandma generally wound up caring for the baby anyway.

    I've known "welfare mothers" who had a under the table job like waitressing or dancing - and collected full welfare, too.

    Where I come from, in Oklahoma, most welfare mothers with one child collect more income plus health care plus subsidized housing plus help from churches and charities plus food stamps so that in the end they had a higher income than my husband and I with both of us working and paying all of our own bills.

    Then look at all the people who are already homeless, living in tents - by and large these people are working people who lost their jobs, homes, businesses, families and because they did not have children they couldn't afford - now they are being punished because there is no welfare or agency to help them. Many of those people are veterans who have been cut off of their benefits because they have no home address!

    At the same time, welfare does help some people who need it. But most benefit programs are set up in such a way that if you really need help - you cannot get it because you cannot jump through their hoops and wait the months and months they will delay helping you.

    Single mothers used to work and raise their children - or surrender them for adoption or foster homes - or depend on help from their own families. Yes, often with a lot of punishment involved for the woman who got pregnant out of wedlock. It gave a girl a chance to raise herself up or to become a victim. To be a hero to her child, or an embarrassment to the whole family. That's not a bad thing.

    I believe that we would step up. We would help not only people in our own families, but people in our community. The community would be stronger and closer for it. And if it punishes women who chose to have children out of wedlock - well perhaps people will think about it before they risk a pregnancy. There are ways to prevent and end them. We need to start taking responsibility for our own decisions and actions. And I believe the American people are good and generous and will help those who can will help those in need.
    Spook says:
    This is a really tough call. Historically I'm against welfare but then again my circumstances have changed and without this I'd be in a dire way. However it is my 'considered opinion' that the modern politicians prefer it this way. I'm unsafe at work because of being deaf so no boss will employ me as I might have an accident and then sue them. Therefore the government have to step in and show me that despite their policies being responsible for this they care about me and must go on welfare. I've been on both sides of the coin and that's my opinion. As to pregnancy, in most cases in Europe this is a sure fire way to get everything you need from prams to houses. Then once this has been accomplished, the boyfriend moves into your house and if you trot out a child every year you will get everything and I mean everything, including cars paid for by the State. Is it any wonder poorer sections of society flock to this because they feel it's their right but never stop to think who pays for it.
    kab says:
    Welfare - as we know it - must end. We cannot just flip a switch at this point and turn it off. We can however change it drastically. I don't agree with paying people to do nothing, if the government is handing someone money, then work should be done in exchange. There is plenty to be done. I also think we should give food, not food stamps. And no more people on welfare with HBO and xbox. If we stick with food stamps, then you can't buy alcohol on the same order as you pay with food stamps - if you can pay for beer, you can pay for the cheese instead. Don't like the rules, don't take the money.
    susannaduffy says:
    Welfare for large corporations must stop! Massive subsidies to multinationals is obscene.

    If the monies paid to big business were instead spent on housing, health and education everyone would be better off. Of course the billionaires would fight it kicking and screaming.
    OhMe says:
    I think more and more churches and organizations would work very hard to help meet the needs of those who really need help

    Welfare is necessary!

    Rusus nicusor says:
    (1). My name is Rusu Nicusor am 31, I had surgery in 1991 at the age of 11 years (a cyst on left leg, mother operated in Romanian. At a hospital in Iasi, the result of this operation I was left with left leg paralysis (and require plastic surgery) and mau Masi fucking life and wholeheartedly want to be among the world I was able to work and I can make my family and I living to lead each of we (2). I and another problem in his right ear (the ear drum crack) and require another surgery and miasi want to regain my hearing was going and I have a normal life like everyone else around me If you kindly help me to get a capable person and not depend on nimnei, to have the opportunity to make these two operations .. first operation would cost around the £ 20,000 and £ 18,000 adoua around if you want to and willing to help me you can donate in the account in the account of Italian post   IBAN IT73 Z076 0102 0000 0009 2996 594 You can contribute £ 2, £ 5, £ 10, £ 20, £ 50, £ 100 thank you
    nikki says:
    Well its easy to judge but hard to do i am one that gets welfare and work my ass off sometimes we need a little help so dont judge everyone cause some of us dont abuse the system
    Tamara says:
    You do realize there are many people actively looking for jobs now who can't find any.... and you think that taking welfare away would mean those on it would magically find jobs??? When the people (some on welfare too) are already looking and can't find a job now, are you guys crazy to even consider shunting millions of welfare recipients into a job market that can't provide for the people looking already? Then when you are robbed by a starving person you would hate them when it was obvious if you bothered to look that that person wouldn't be able to find a job because the odds are highly against him/her... If you expect people to just lie down and die when there are no options for them to support themselves, you deserve what you will get if welfare is taken away. There are many factors to consider and I am very disappointed that many people aren't aware of what is going on in their own country... I am Canadian and I know that small farmers, for instance, are being hard hit by government and bigger businesses so you resent the subsidies these small farmers are given but have no idea what they are going through day to day.... That's just farmers.. the people needing various programs under the welfare system are not all lazy bums... you may have seen some people taking advantage but there are many cases where many other people needed the help you want to take away. This issue is very complicated and you need to take a hard look at all angles of it. Don't just assume because you saw a few users that everyone on these systems is just taking advantage.. The system may need to be re-examined but do not just dump it...

    If you are interested in the farmer issues please watch Farmageddon and Food Inc. As for the other issues keep an ear out and an eye out for any information you can find.
    Tamara Dippel says:
    The US government is "cracking down" ie destroying local farms in favor of big corporations... the big fish (businesses) are destroying the little ones... the state of the US is such that most people would be up shit creek... Most of these people would either be hired for scraps, like the illegal immigrants you all love to hate now are, keeping them in states of desperate poverty or they would live on the streets until carted off to jail since there is nothing to help them... no medical aid would mean massive deaths of both adults and children, it would be a nightmare and he trauma of being hated even further by being left to starve and die, fully abandoned by society... here's a thought for all you "Christians" out there... Jesus healed FOR FREE, Jesus fed a crowd FOR FREE, yes he said teaching self-sufficiency was the right way to go, he also didn't abandon those tht\at were down and desperate when they needed hie help. Take a look at Matthew 25 in your precious bible, when he told his shocked followers that he never knew them : 35‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

    41“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44“Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ 45“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

    Now I don't agree with eternal damnation myself, I am pointing out that Jesus, you Lord and Savious (Christians, catholics, etc) make his position regarding the poor VERY clear!
    Take away everything and you will leave the least to suffer... help those who need it, don't take everything away.... how can you teach a man to fish when his body and mind are starving for nutrients so much he can't concentrate enough to learn? Be very careful... a man also cannot learn without opportunities available and being stuck starving on a street corner doesn't get you into school which costs money... Of course, even then Jesus taught FOR FREE!
    it is necessary for these aids and welfare to be there so the opportunities are there and there are MANY factors making it complicated to get off for some people. All must be taken on a case by case basis, not all lumped together or many will be lost. Welfare should be altered to encourage self-sufficiency, not taken away so that there is nothing but total ruin. Re-examine the system, do not simply dump it! Change what does not work.
    john says:
    You never mentioned security and violence. What do you think will happen if poor people are starving? Do you think they will just sit around and starve to death??? Starvation creates desperation and a desperate person will do anything to feed his or her family. If welfare ends you will see crime and violence go through the roof.
    mike harradine says:
    Welfare is necessary, for everyone in the world. But sadly, not possible for the starving millions. We don't know how lucky we are in the western world.
    john fisher says:
    jail all the rothchilds and jail all related to them for the rothchilds was hitler is the queen and the evil rich rothchilds have over 500 trillion usa that they stole from us earth humans and they are are lizard race ok i am an inventor give me i can feed the world and give them better homes
    HopeForAmerica says:
    Welfare can be taken over by churches. Look at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' welfare system. They have the efficient and most effective welfare system in the world. It breeds hard work and self dependence. What makes it so effective is their bureaucracy. That's something the liberals could never handle doing without. In one year the church collects $200,000,000 in Utah alone. If you want the answer to welfare that church has the answer.
    Alberto says:
    Nothing as radical as this would be good for those in need. I say keep welfare but please take this into consideration:Topic of conversation and update on fraud

    Did you know?

     Illegal immigrants can get green cards automatically when a lawyer can help them prove their child is “mentally unstable” Lawyers are exploiting this and advising illegal aliens that have children to enroll them into mental/social service agencies to get a diagnosis (ADHD, Autism, Depression etc). They have the staff write down false problems of child to sustain child diagnosis, these diagnosis is then used by them in court to get a green card. Easy as that.
     These same diagnoses are being approved (even simple diagnosis of ADHD) by Social Security Admin. who then also end up giving SSI funds monthly to these welfare leeches because their kid has ADHD, How ridiculous is that?
     Many parents receiving this SSI are illegal and depend on food stamps, free healthcare and now SSI to pay their rent, all they have to start with is getting a MEDICAL Provider diagnosis. They end up getting a green card even though they have been financially irresponsible as illegal aliens by taking govt public assistance. Looks to me like the Immigration Court is being to welcoming and lenient.

     Why do Dr’s diagnose in these social service agencies? Because they have to. That is right, a child with no diagnosis does not have a “problem” and without a problem/diagnosis, agencies do not get funded by RHBA. As simple as this.
     Illegal immigrants are also getting away with marrying a citizen and getting a green card, even though ICE has done a better job at testing their “true love” people are still getting away with this and citizens getting away with money from these illegal people paying them to lie about their “love”

     Carnicerias and other little liquor or cash register stores are using food stamp money (your and my tax money) for ALCOHOL AND CIGARETTE purchases. All they do is run these unapproved items as “Misc. Food” on the receipts. As simple as that.

     Did you know when children get SSI benefits under mood disorders and ADHD for example, some parents have reported on drugging them so they misbehave during SSA psychological interview. Thus, psychologist deems them “unstable” and Ta dah! There goes approval for SSI benefits (monthly payments for parents of $600 plus). How about the SSA start running blood test on applicants to see what could be influencing their behavior during their interviews?

     People are suppose to E-Verify new employees, that is fine. How about when people apply for tax money funds (WELFARE, WIC, FOOD STAMPS, HEALTHCARE),how come they do not get e-verified? Most people that are illegal or have warrants out would get caught so quickly. The government needs to nationwide start running E-VERIFY on all Department of Economic Security applicants.
    Taxpayer4welfare says:
    I'm a taxpayer and I say bring back the pre '96 Welfare! Make it stronger giving the needy greater and greater support!
    Tails1love says:
    I think welfare is necessary; however, I am not very fond of what the welfare system has become as we know it in 2012. I believe this article makes a lot of sense but we must be careful on how we progress forward. I do not believe ending welfare is the right thing; however, leaving it the way it is would also be wrong. The welfare system must be reformed. The main problem I see and this could go for other government programs is that it is not regulated and governed appropriately. As with our tax system, welfare has too many loop holes. There are too many ways for people who choose to navigate their way through the system to find every way imaginable not to work and be provided free services and monies. As with tax loop holes, these activities are not illegal; they are simply ways to get around doing what is right. These people ruin what the purpose of welfare was orignally created for. There are people who truly are in need of the type of support welfare can provide. If we were to end or reform welfare there needs to be strict guidelines around receiving welfare and there also must be training and educational aides so that people can get jobs and off of welfare. Simply ending it would be irresponsible but to continue down this path and think welfare is fine and should be left alone would be equally irresponsible.
    Lynndee says:
    I think it needs to be fixed. I think we should work on the social factors that lead people into poverty and have moderate funding. this funding shouldn't come without stipulations though. These people should have to get educated and i am not meaning like school ( that would be good as well of course) but their should be required classes they need to take to be on welfare such as nutrition classes so they know how to properly feed their families and classes on what to do when your child is hurt or sick. poverty is a major correlate of childhood illness in U.S. society. i believe a lack of education (to a degree) is responsible for that. Doesn't welfare also imply financial cash such as financial aid? that would mean many children would lose a much needed college education if so because their parents weren't smart enough to save up money for them. I have scholarships for school but they weren't nearly enough to pay all of my college. That would mean that the people trying to better themselves by getting an education but couldnt afford it would be out of luck. In my opinion welfare needs to be reformed.
    MiissCarr says:
    Ashley, your 12, you shouldnt evem have an opinion. You peo pl e think that welfare recipients just sit around like hey, I'm gettin free money, ill never have h to work. It's HARD to find a job with a child, no day care, limited money, clothes, traveling money, & very little work experience. If they do cut welfare, they shouldake other plans unless the wkrld is ready for THOUSANDS of homeless women & children. & if the tax payers are sick of paying, then QUIT! Only then will you see how hard thimgs REALLY are!
    Youshouldknowthis says:
    Do not end welfare, change it. The monies from social programs line the pockets of the wealthy and middle class. The fed will cut 22 billion this year from the WIC program. Walmart weeps. Funds from welfare, section 8, food stamps, medicaid are not collecting interest in some recipient's bank account. These funds go directly to the landlords, supermarkets, stores, small businesses, doctors use it to boost their practice, pharmacies make billions, unscrupulous check cashing and rent-to-own industry. If you removed all of this funding from the budget this is what would happen. They would be fewer jobs, people with jobs pay taxes. For every person on welfare, 8 jobs are created, one dollar spent on a program generates $12 in the economy. This is the business of poverty. Everything cost the more money. It seems that Reagan understood, you can not give massive tax breaks to the wealthy without supporting the underclass. There are people in American society who lack basic skills, are functionally illiterate and will never be mainstream working. Without a jobs or welfare, crime rates would explode. You would see anarchy in the streets. You would see a further erosion of the middle class. There is no such thing as 100% employment!

    Revamp welfare. It was meant for women and children. Why are grown men living in federally subsidized housing? Women and children only Violators will be evicted. This is the reason the ghettos are a war zone. DRUG testing for all recipients should be mandatory, don't want a drug test.. Get a job. You are allowed one child, have more than one child, and the benefits stay the same. You do not get a 4 br house and $1000 in food stamps because you had a litter of children. Abortion on demand and free (accessible) birth control. Make teacher's salaries competitive $100k a year in order to attract the best candidates. When someone says that they are majoring in education, people laugh in their faces.

    No one wants to get real about welfare. You should find it ironic that there are stringent requirements for everyone except welfare recipients. There's simply too many on the dole, from the grant writers to the politicians. Welfare is the scapegoat for political ineptness and thievery. It pits the middle class against the poor while the wealthy laugh all the way to the bank. Yes, we should do an experiment and end welfare. When you are waiting for your taxes to decrease, I suggest that you do not hold your breath. It would be interesting to see what new evil the conservatives will rail against. Hmmm, perhaps it could be massive jobs being outsourced to foreign countries.. Good luck with that.

    Lastly, if they cleaned up welfare, there would be no one left to blame for the misspent tax dollars. While politicians and cronies live good on pork barrel projects that have nothing to do with funding social programs.
    Brian says:
    If you are afraid of minorities now, you haven't seen anything yet! you will create a Rwanda type scenario of riots, mugging, looting, raping, horrendous killings, kidnappings, Cannibalism, Hostage type situations, in the "Republican" and Middle class areas...If you are depending on the Cops good luck they only specialize in cleaning crime scenes after the fact and there is just simply not enough of them to handle the hordes desperate people...I am not saying it is right but it would be a problem that "we" collectively would be creating so we would collectively have to share the suffering, agony, angst...It seems that it may actually be cheaper in the long run compared to the infrastructure damages that would incur, let alone the funerals and the burden of trying to replace priceless belongings, Also family safety is priceless now imagine then.... A proactive plan must be set in place like maybe one year before they decide to get rid of it they teach and train the less fortunate how to grow gardens and raise animals in apartments as a community (which brings to mind that the strongest thugs & drug dealers would just seize it and take control) Maybe give a final handout not cash (so there isn't any chance it would be spent on anything else) of the equipment and resources to maintain food production.....All you flag waving republicans if this is what you want hope you have realistically realize how this turn this country into a third world nation...What they do you expect that this will magically fix itself and you guys will live in peace and harmony....I don't think so this country will fall faster than it already is....The Cartels are already moving in, Lower U.S. will be taken over by mexico
    com999 says:
    If there were no financial aid I wouldn't have been able to go to college. I support school financial aid.
    Jay says:
    Welfare is necessary. It is puzzling at first as to why we would have such a system of redistributing wealth. There are a lot of costs associated with having a welfare system (such as paying for capital and labour of a third party to redistribute wealth). It does not make sense to have welfare. But consider the following if we ended welfare and gave nothing to the people who depends on it: Suddenly welfare disappears completely. There are two parties: Tim who is a taxpayer and Hogan who is depends on welfare to survive. Since Tim is your typical selfish person like Sophie and Jose, he does not give anything to Hogan. Since Hogan's survival depends on Tim to give to Hogan, he would value life over death, he would break into Tim's house, or worse, mug Tim with a weapon. Conclusion: Welfare reduces crime rates.
    Ella90 says:
    Of course welfare is necessary and anyone who doesn't believe so should pray they never fall on bad times. Anyone can through no fault of there own lose there jobs especially in today's world with cuts happening left right and centre, and you want to just let those people and their families become homeless and starve. Or let someone who is unable to work die, if so then like I said you should hope you never have an accident or an illness cause it'd be pretty hypocritical of you to then want help when you have to be forced to help your fellow man and would rather not
    Penny White says:
    Welfare has already ended. No one can live on what the government considers "help."
    What would really make a big difference would be to end corporate welfare. Now that would get things rolling!
    barb says:
    My mother excepted welfare for two years after she left my father who almost killed her. His abuse caused my sister to become mentally retarded at birth. It was not long before she got out of the handout line and sewed piece work in a closet, with a borrowed machine and all of us clipped the threads off the garments. She left welfare and raised 5 kids alone with no help. I went on welfare after having my first child and the father just up and left me. I was on it 2 yrs. as I fought like my mother to build a life for my son and I. I have managed to own my own business and helped my husband build 4 homes in the last 15 yrs. Welfare should be respected. Those who except it have to have self-respect and a vision for the future and not hesitate to go out there and get what they want in life. My grandmother always said where there is a will there is a way. My husband and I are a team. If he is raking the yard I am not sitting on the couch. We help each other every inch of the way. We have respect for on another. If society can learn to respect one another maybe we would find less in need and more fighting for what they want in life. Welfare should help those who need it but it should not be available for someone to just live on.
    nicole allen says:
    i am on welfare and i am trying the best that i can to find a job but it is almost impossible with this economy.
    Watcher says:
    Only a moron would believe that an end to welfare would not cause the deaths of thousands of adults and children.
    Larry says:
    I am for workers owning the place of employment. There's a super quik in my home town that is employee owned, That beats welfare!
    LindaJM says:
    Benchimus, You're talking about SSA - Social Security Assistance... well, SSI comes from the same office but it is Supplemental Security for the supposedly disabled, and is an entitlement program like welfare. Unfortunately, a lot of people who could be working are getting SSI and that's a lot more money than welfare moms get. Example: in my state, $300 or so for a person on TANF and over $900 for a SSI recipient. I have neighbors who are both getting SSI - over $1800 per month for that household and they still complain they don't have enough money. Meanwhile for many months I've gotten along with much less than that but I've been working hard to get anything at all. It tends to get on my nerves to see the sloth of these people. Oh yes, they are working, on their 12-plant medical marijuana garden and it is probable they're making a profit off that too though I honestly don't know. I am in favor of helping people who really need a helping hand but too many people are taking advantage of the system.
    Carli says:
    I notice that the people who think we don't need welfare, are often the people who have never needed it themselves. Sure there are people who abuse it, but there are millions more who haven't found anywhere else to turn, who CAN'T get a job, who would either die or turn to crime if welfare were shut down. I have been on welfare for three years and it's not as much as you think it is, it's not a comfortable life with fancy cars as some are saying. It's miserable, it's a confusing frustrating amount of paperwork that you have to stay on top of every day to avoid being shut off, but it's not starvation and that's about all you can say for it. Do I want to stay this way all my life? Of course not. But right now my job skills and education are just enough to get me a job (which I have) that doesn't pay the rent, and until I figure out how to work full time and go back to school as well... You see the problem. And I have dozens of friends stuck in the same type of situation, trying to balance kids and school and a job that doesn't pay the bills. I'm lucky to have a husband to help out; many don't. The attitude I'm hearing from those fortunate to have a real income is that of Dicken's Christmas Carol: "if they [the poor] are going to die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population." I weep for the future of our children.
    LindaJM says:
    A response to KiwiNana... I agree that money is being wasted, but here in the USA I feel a lot more money is wasted on the wars than on welfare. Even in an ideal world where fathers stay with mothers and children have the protection of two parents to support and protect them, where those that can work do work, where mothers can work without having to stress over insufficient and untrustworthy child care situations... even if all those problems were resolved, there would still be a need for welfare for those people without family support opportunities, without a body that functions effectively... you know, the hapless, hopeless, severely handicapped: those who REALLY need help rather than those who take the help because it is an easy and convenient option for paying the hellaciously high rents and food costs of this era. So I'm in favor of limited welfare, and work opportunities where single moms can generate income effectively while staying home with their kids. There's a lot of societal engineering that needs to be done to make that available for all in need. In the meantime we're stuck with welfare costs... but even worse, we're being financially trammeled by paying for wars that most of us don't want.
    Brittany says:
    we are having this discussion in one of my college classes and i am writing a paper on it. I believe that if welfare was taken away today...crime would triple. I do agree that there needs to be a limit...i know of a woman in our town that has 9 kids and is only 27...she had her first at age 12...she has saidshe will never work because welfare pays for a nice 7 bedroom house and she gets almost $2000.00 per month in food stamps...NOW thAt is abusing the system. However, I am a single mother and going to school full time. Without welfare, i would not be able to further my education and contribute to society n a productive way. This is what I say to those who want to end welfare....take all your money away and homes and cars too and lose a job and when u have nowhere to go....you would NEED welfare!!
    spirituality says:
    Well, I don't think investing in Real Estate is going to get anybody out of poverty today, unless they're WAY smarter than everybody else trying.

    It take someone special to see the opportunity that nobody else does and act on it. Especially coming from such a passive background.

    The question is: is breaking up the system the solution, or does it create more problems. Getting people out of their passive, welfare dependent, state is hard - takes government money I guess. However, without the safety net things would be a LOT worse for a LOT of children and adults.
    Shannon Marie says:
    This is not right My husband did stick by me when i got pregnant and he did work .. We live in a small town in Vermont and there is no work.. Oh and the schools can hand out birth control if they want to but GUESS WHAT I WAS ON BIRTH CONTROL AND HAVE THREE KIDS...ALL FROM BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!! I CANT WORK I'M DISABLED.. LET'S JUST TAKE THE PEOPLE OFF WHO ARE FRAUDING THE SYSTEM..I NEED BENIFITS TO LIVE AND LOTS OF OTHERS REALLY DO AS WELL..LETS BE SMART ABOUT THIS...
    Dee says:
    Call me naive, but I believe most people want to work. It feels good to be self sufficient. It makes one feel proud to be able to provide for his or her family financially. But there is no such thing as equality for all because reality is what it is. Its much more difficult to climb out of poverty if that is life's starting point. Some people do break out of the poverty cycle, but the majority do not. The opportunities for a living wage paying job are hard to find. Especially for a single mom.
    I was making about $70k when I was fired from my last job 3 YEARS ago. I was pregnant. Unemployment benefits were about 1/5th of my monthly income, and my performance and recognition by management as a great asset did not quite have me thinking my job was about to be taken away any time soon. Life is full of surprises. I was sick. I am still suffering the financial undoing of my seemingly good track in life. I've never taken government handouts other than my daughters healthcare, and that was after my 500/mo cobra payments somehow never made it to their office and they dropped me on my first appt with a perinatal specialist. another surprise! I was crying daily, could not talk about it without emotions flying. I needed an advocate, a lawyer, someone tO be my calm. But instead I just held it in except for my family and close friends...a couple of them. I don't believe there is Corporate welfare. Medicaid was granted 2 weeks before I gave birth. I honestly thought I might have to try home birth solo...really! In that case, she and I would probably both be dead.
    welfare is good when it is to get people working through opportunities, education, and promoting self sufficiency. But when one gets a monthly check that is more than what she was offered in the last job offered, and neither can cover child care costs...we have a problem. A safety net is needed for those who can't take care of themselves- young, old and disabled. It would be great if it came from charities, and family, etc...but not enough and taxes not given to govt dont trickle down to family and friends in need anymore than taxcuts to businesses to trickle down to workers.
    VickiSims says:
    Although I see the problems with welfare, I don't know what the best solution is. Although we may be "created equal" according to the constitution, we certainly are not born with equal means, intelligence or talents. I don't think that it would be right for a wealthy nation to simply allow people to die because of lack of food and shelter.
    skiesgreen says:
    I think people would become less dependent on the system. There are hundreds of ways people can work and earn a living, even in the poorest societies, but welfare teaches them otherwise. Of course overpopulation is contributing to poverty and a greater need for welfare and large corporations are skimming off the cream from those who get hand-outs.
    mulberry says:
    I agree with some of what you say and certainly feel that we can teach people to be too dependent. On the other hand, we live in a society, and part of the cost of that benefit is to provide for those who can not do so. When funding for mental institutions was drastically cut many of these individuals ended up on the streets and lived in boxes etc. Churches and so forth have not picked up that slack effectively. Sure grandmas, boyfriends and so forth should help young women...but not all young women have this support or ever will. They, and more importantly their babies who didn't make any choice, are stuck. Should there be reform, Yes. No one who is "able bodied" should get a check for doing nothing. Should welfare be eliminated, no I don't think so.
    Oosquid says:
    A society without a safety net?

    No thank you.

    Sure I have a moan when i read of someone who is milking the system and living a more prosperous life than I am, with me paying for through taxes.

    But any benefit system will be open to abuse. Far better that than an uncaring society.
    TheWhistler says:
    Unless we want to go back to the Dickensian period, welfare is here to stay. I live in Canada and can't imagine having no health care, or a system to back you up if you fall on hard times.
    Stazjia says:
    I live in the UK so my experience of welfare is different to that of an American. Unless we can have a full employment economy then welfare is essential. It's important to remember that govt's can cause unemployment by their policies so they must be responsible for the victims.

    Another point is that not everybody is equal in intelligence, physical ability, determination and other qualities. Some people are born with physical or mental disabilities too. Do we just let these people suffer, maybe even die? Surely taking care of those who cannot, for whatever reason, take care of themselves is the mark of a civilised society.

    We don't have to look very far to see what happens when the welfare safety net is pulled away. Look at countries where there is no welfare provision. Look at the shanty towns, the crime, the prostitution, starvation, infant and child death rates, look at death rates in general. Yes, there are always generous people who will try and help but the majority of people are just getting by. They don't have spare money to give away or so little that it's a drop in the ocean.

    Are we prepared to allow people from babies to the elderly die from the consequences of poverty? How will we live with our consciences if this happens and all because we begrudge the tax we pay to prevent it?

    Is this a civilised society or is it dog eat dog?

    Welfare Rights

    ...for those who believe care for the poor is humane...

    If you're poor and destitute, this site may help.
    National Welfare Rights Union
    The National Welfare Rights Union is an organization of, by, and for the poor in the United States and beyond. We are building a social movement committed to ending poverty and ensuring a better world ...

    Food For Everyone

    ...one of my favorite charities!

    Profits from this lens go to Food For Everyone.
    Food for Everyone FoundationDonate Now
    The Food For Everyone Foundation's mission is to teach and assist families everywhere to grow successful and sustainable vegetable gardens, and really enjoy the experience.

    Any other comments?

    ...your comments are very welcome.

    • Reply
      ChloeHibb Jun 14, 2012 @ 9:45 am
      Similar questions arise in the UK- government benefits leave some people actually better off then if they worked on minimum wage. It is a problem, and one which will not be easily solved, particularly when people know exactly hwo to work the system.

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      Amber Jun 3, 2012 @ 12:42 pm
      I believe that if you want to collect welfare then you should have to do a DRUG test and a complete backround test. There will always be people who screw up every system we have. Just take a look at disability for example. I know morons who collect because they feel a little depressed. But then again there will always be people who really do deserve it tho like someone who has one heart attack after another. Or the woman who fell in love with some loser who promised the world, got her pregnant and left her to defend for herself. Maybe we need to start teaching men to be men or just start teaching people how to be independent. Thats our biggest problem. I don't think taking away welfare will solve anything. I believe it will make things worse and we just need to EDUCATE people better and just be more strict of who can get and who can't.

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      informationdan May 29, 2012 @ 10:04 pm
      Yes I think welfare is inefficient and an immoral breach of property rights. That said, the real welfare in this country is the corporate welfare, foreign aid and bailouts of the politically well connected. We are allocating massive amounts of money to horrible investment programs that have nothing to do with poverty programs. I think we should cancel all of the programs that go to large corporations, reduce taxes and reinvigorate the economy before we pull the rug out from under the most needy. Once the economy is producing a realistic chance for people who want to be successful to do so, we should begin to remove all remaining welfare programs with only a small social net remaining in the long run.

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      Kasper May 18, 2012 @ 1:39 pm
      I've been married 19 yrs we have four children have never had welfare, I get angry when I see others getting hand outs, I think they should do away with most of it, But what about the family who losses their job and are down for a month do we turn our backs on the ones who are just down on their luck, I ask myself this all the time Could I really be selfish and say that its not something that should be around for working families that have lost jobs and are in between jobs? I myself totally understand, I wish we didn't have to pay out so much money for the people getting hand outs, But I can't say I support completely doing away with welfare as their are families who have hard times and do need some sort of help through it, maybe a limit for how long you can receive help, Like a month of help for those families in need due to loss of job. I honestly say I support it but I don't cause not everyone is Lazy.

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      speaktruth May 17, 2012 @ 2:07 pm
      I am all for endign welfare with those the exception of those that are disable. I mean realy diabled not some made disease or i am depressed or drink alot. i mean someone who is missing limbs or realy mentaly chalenged not ADD. My parents come from a country where if you dont work you starve to death and qutie honestly thats the way it should be. I would have all these lazy slugs waking me up in the middle of night because they have nothing to do and dont have to wake up early in the morning to go to work. Oh and did i mention they all have the latest video game consule, flat screen tv and cell phones!! that's poor?? Wake up america stop be lazy and everyone earn thier lives!!!

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      debate76ster May 15, 2012 @ 3:07 pm
      I think that the system of welfare is one of signals of a larger agenda to increase the rich poor gap in the United States. As long as the wealthy are dead set on bankrupting the American public, then they should have to pay for their survival. Check out my lens on the rick-Poor Gap.

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      terri-jacobs May 13, 2012 @ 1:49 pm
      I am here to say that I was on welfare when I was forced to quit my job due to illness. I have worked for 33 yrs of my life. I was not fortunate enough to go to college. I have been on welfare & I guess you can say I am on it now. I live in public housing and I am currently on Tenncare for my medical. If you are a single parent it is hell to try & support you & your child & work. I am a very bad diabetic and have suffered kidney failure. Plus I am bi-polar & required medication to control this. Seriously if I did not receive this help I would commit suicide. I would not be able to make my bills, not be able to buy my meds & have no where to live. I receive no food stamps. Life is hard as it is & depressing. So to all you welfare haters who think that all of us are lazy & no good. I worked my ass off 33 yrs just so I can receive my disability check. It is barely enough to pay rent my overage & what little food I can afford. Just be thankful ya'll are still healthly enough to work a job & have enough money to pay your rent lites and food. You are blessed. A lot of us are not so fortunate to be able to do that. I paid the United States there part when I did work for 33 yrs. So I deserve to get the small disability check I get every month. As I tell my son so often. you never know what can happen your knees can get knocked out from under you at any time any age.So don't throw those rocks from your glass house.

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      me May 1, 2012 @ 5:55 pm
      welfare breeds welfare

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      john fisher Apr 28, 2012 @ 10:26 pm
      the real problem is hidden it is one main falily tricking the world hitler was a rothchild so is queen and they have told us lies have over 500 trillion dollars stop them they are ruling all governments and there calender runs out this year yes the rothchilds where myia religion the evil that are lizard decendants real and they eat humans i hear true jail and take all wealth from them and the world will be so much better remove the poison frouride from the water aswell give me so investor money for my inventions i will feed home the world and give all power that is renewable energy myhum2001@yahoo.com john

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      godysdawn Apr 28, 2012 @ 8:11 pm
      Lovely powerful squidoo. Highly factual & inspirational.

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      cathy bann Apr 20, 2012 @ 10:00 am
      people need to think of the children and not the food stamps system

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      me May 1, 2012 @ 5:52 pm
      if they can not feed the children they should not have them

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      cathy bann Apr 20, 2012 @ 9:51 am
      the govemnet should never let any children to go without food poor people have a bad time dont hurt the system that help these kids eat

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      me May 1, 2012 @ 5:54 pm
      the kids of these people become there parents and continue the cycle

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      letsthink Jan 27, 2012 @ 6:25 am
      There are no easy solutions, but it sickens me to see politicians supporting massive bailouts for bankers while wanting to really punish the poor.

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      Mr. Crocker of Lawrence Massachusetts Jan 17, 2012 @ 12:11 am
      What corrupts anything like an assistance program is greed and laziness. Unfortunately, greed and lazines exists in all classes and walks of life. It is easy to vilinaize welfare because we view it as nothing but system that sucks the resources of our society dry without recognizing that the individuals and groups that have the ability to change the welfare problem do not make an effort to change anything. The reason being the very essence of lief. the balance of the Universe as we all know it. There is always an oposite because it is essential. There is up and down, there is right and left, wet and dry, false and truth. There will always have to be poor in order for someone to be rich. That is why there are poor public school systems that do not teach the way the schools attended by the children of wealthy teach. The wealthy are always going to be in power and they will always make the decisions that will keep the poor right where they are. Wealthy circles are competitive enough and they do not need any more competition. Welfare will never change, because the wealthy do not want it to.

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      Ella90 Dec 3, 2011 @ 8:10 pm
      Hate how people always act like welfare is something they will never need like there immune from illness, accidents or job losses. Hate to break it to them but there not and if they ever come onto bad times they'll have to depend on the things there complaining about. You should never assume that because a small minority misuse the system that all people do. Stories of welfare fraud are often blown out of proportion so that it can cause a frenzy for the media, they love to wind people up and people who want a reason to complain will lap it up without thinking about the people who need and depend on welfare and who have no other choice. Seriously a guy works hard and gives plenty in taxes and service, and he suddenly loses his as the company goes bust and finds it difficult to find a new one as the jobs just aren't there particularly for someone his age, you really just want to let him and his family become homeless and starve rather than let the country he has worked for help him out a tiny little bit with the pittance that welfare is today till he can get back on his feet

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      godysdawn Apr 28, 2012 @ 8:13 pm
      Very well said Ella.

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      Sonaprint Oct 30, 2011 @ 7:06 pm
      I believe the solution to this and other poverty issues is education. Solutions to poverty is never going to be as easy as ending a program or starting a program. I have been researching this for months for my blog. Here are just a few statistics to ponder... 90% of welfare recipients are high school dropouts, Low literary costs $73 million per year in terms of direct health care costs. A recent study by Pfizer put the cost much higher, Penal institution records show that inmates have a 16% chance of returning to prison if they receive literacy help, as opposed to 70% who receive no help. This equates to taxpayer costs of $25,000 per year per inmate and nearly double that amount for juvenile offenders, About 1.2 million students drop out of high school annually, according to the America’s Promise Alliance Web site, if the students who dropped out of the class of 2007 had graduated, the nation’s economy would have benefited from an additional $329 billion in income over their lifetime, According to a 1983 study published in Illiterate America by J. Kozol, the imprisonment of over half the nation's inmates can be directly linked to functional illiteracy, equating to a cost of $6.6 billion yearly, Combined federal and state means-tested welfare is now the second largest category of overall government spending in the nation. It is exceeded only by the combined cost of Social Security and Medicare. Welfare spending is greater than the cost of public education and is greater than spending on national defense, Unless high schools are able to graduate their students at higher rates, more than 12 million students will drop out during the course of the next decade. The result will be a loss to the nation of $3 trillion. These are just a few disturbing statistics I have run across. It seems to me we need to look at the big picture...Poverty produces more poverty. Who is taking advantage of the system verses who is not... is like picking up a grain of sand when its a boulder in the way. We should make it a requirement for prisoners to get their GED or they do not get parole. We should give the welfare parents some sort of incentive for every A their children receives in school instead of more money for each child they have. If their children graduate High School an even bigger bonus. We should ask the dropouts WHY are they not staying in school and work on fixing this problem. The parents on welfare should get a free computer, broad ban and free schooling to get THEIR GED. Maybe if their children graduate give the parents a full paid scholarship to college for their education. If the government would attack the root of the problem and work on fixing every aspect of the root eventually there would be less and less in poverty and more Americans paying taxes and buying houses etc. How hard is it to comprehend...less prisoners...less deficit less drop outs...less welfare...less deficits and so on. Some people would argue "How will you pay for this?" are we not already paying dearly..funnel the money to a solution it will turn out better in the end...Right?

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      Strawberryangel Jul 6, 2011 @ 10:51 pm
      I like that you point out that public education IS a form of government welfare. Many people don't see it that way. I believe welfare enables people, makes them comfortable in their poverty because they don't have to do anything for it, it's a handout. I don't have the right to force money from you and give it to someone else, therefore, neither does the government, so I would also argue that welfare is against the constitution. I recognize a need for people to be helped where they can't take care of themselves, that's where families, churches, communities and individuals come in. Our government was established for a moral people. If we aren't moral enough to not take advantage of eachother and moral enough to help people when they are in need then I guess we do need the government welfare system. We aren't as a society adult enough to care for eachother, we have to be forced to do it. Sad state our country is in I believe. Blessings to you for taking on such a controversial subject. That takes courage!

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      crazygirlandi Apr 4, 2011 @ 1:12 pm
      finally, a very humane piece on welfare, it's refreshing. most of what i read other places does nothing but put people on assistance down,and that angers me. i am on assistance, and have been for a little over a year now after my mental illnesses that i have suffered with my whole life became so bad that it is hard for me to function on a very basic level daily. i would love to work, and get child support from my childrens' father, but neither of those things are bound to happen, i can't work, and i can't make him pay for his kids. what i do want to say is that if anyone is seeing someone on welfare with a top of the line cell phone, nails done, designer clothes, etc, i can assure you they are not having those items because of welfare. those people are the cheats that have money coming in besides welfare. i say this because i'm in new york state, which has, from what i've read, one of the highest welfare benefit levels in the country, and for my family of 5, our welfare grant is only 803.00 per month, plus 500 in food stamps. because i am not a welfare cheat, i cannnot afford a car, or any new clothes even if not designer, i can't have my nails done and i have no phone whatsoever, as i cannot afford it. people on welfare who are playing by the rules have to make harder choices than you may think, like choosing between dishsoap and toilet paper, or laundry soap, whatever the case may be, because welfare payments are about 1/3 of poverty level income. unfortunately, for people like me, we have to live this way for a while and pray that we will have the very basics each day until we figure something out.

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      kitten Jan 14, 2011 @ 2:39 am
      15 years ago I was working as a representative for our Headstart, this was during the Welfare reform period. The US also closed many bases,during my travels to conferences I noticed these bases being remodeled...I asked a constrution worker why and what was going on, he stated they also had built orphanges in the old schools, he found that strange. When they finally close the welfare program they will offer people the oppurtunity to retain custody of their children if you conform and live on their compound. Total govnt control over your lives-People need to be more informed of their rights as people of this nation before we lose all rights we have in the Constitution. When we as the people see injustices its not only our right but our duty to make a change, are we going to wait till they steal all our babies because we our poor???? Or all or property due to lose of jobs.. New World Order is not the answer- we need to remember whats more valuable our lives or money..They are stealing babies and getting away with it through our OCS programs causing unbeliveable trauma to families, but the richer ones need children- healthy children. With no children , no welfare.

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      KathyT Jul 27, 2010 @ 3:24 pm
      Hi Linda! Congratulations on your Sunshine Award! The subject of Welfare (these days called "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families" or TANF) is a touchy one, indeed! You have done a great job with your lens. A few years back, I worked extensively with individuals who were on assistance, and it was a very emotional job at times. As your commenter "Alyssa" below says, for some people it has been a lifesaver - which was the original intent. I have seen a lot of folks, however, for whom assistance had become a sinkhole from which they were struggling to climb - but with little or no success. In thinking back to the jobs I had working with TANF clients, I would honestly have to say that I recall only ONE client of mine who made the break while I was involved - and this was a very strong and courageous person who just had it in mind that welfare was not how the family was going to live. There are no easy solutions - in part, I believe, because the welfare program has become so wide-spread and expected by so many, that it would take an enormous overhaul that I'm not sure the country is up to (yet). Tough topic. Nice job presenting! Cheers, Kath :)

    • Reply
      Alyssa Jul 24, 2010 @ 11:13 pm
      hi im on wefare and its not by choice i got pregnant and due to it being high risk i couldnt work and even tho my fiencee was working we couldbarley make our bills we even tried moving to a cheaper appartment and we still struggled i held off on welfare as long as possible but bills started to pile up. when my son was born he was verysick and has remaned so (hes 14months now) with all my hospital trips and stays its been hard for me to work then my fiencee got laid off if it wasnt for the welfare program my son would probally hav died and i would be on the street. you see i have no family to help me and my fiencees family is very poor so we have no outside help i do however believe that some if not most people abuse the system because hey are lazy and dont wanna work. but for people like be it has been a life saver

    • Reply
      RandyK54 Nov 23, 2010 @ 12:19 am
      "not by choice" Give us all a break. This is 2010 and there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy. Therefore you are where you are by choice. If you can't afford the baby, why don't you put it up for adoption. Once again you have made a choice, haven't you? If you are that poor why not live like my Grandmother joyfully did, without electricity, water, or indoor plumbing. Raising chickens and are garden for veggies where other ways she made ends meet. Oh yeah, all of these things are uncomfortable and not good enough for you, yet another choice.

    • Reply
      Anonymous May 21, 2012 @ 4:42 pm
      So you want to break up a family through adoption in the name of "saving the tax payer." Now there is the "Adoption Tax Credit" that adoptive parents receive, which is also basically a "hand out." The adoptive parents get a 13,000 dollar check plus the child's med expenses are covered by the tax payer until he or she turns 18. Anyone who thinks adoption saves tax money is a moron. I talked to many adoptees, not all of them really like being adopted they are still denied their original birth certificate and treated like 2nd class citizens and the birth mother never heals from the trauma. Open Adoptions where the adoptive parents and birth parents remain in contact, are not legally enforceable. 70% of open adoptions get closed in the first 2 years and 80% of those that get closed are closed by the adoptive parents, only 20% get closed by birth parents. So with the so called adoption "tax credit" regardless if a woman decides to keep her child or place it for adoption, your tax money is still going to pay for it. http://money.cnn.com/2011/06/02/pf/taxes/adoption_tax_credit_refund_delay/index.htm http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080307161056AAEg0n3

    • Reply
      poutine Jul 18, 2010 @ 12:08 pm
      Very thoughts provoking. I believe we need some welfare for SOME people as those ones will never be able to look after themselves. But I am totally against welfare for girls who get pregnant just so they can leave their parents home and live with their own rules. I believe that the father should be the one paying for his child, not the people who work hard for their money.

    • Reply
      poutine Jul 18, 2010 @ 12:05 pm
      Very thoughtful and thoughts provoking lens.

    • Reply
      amillar Jul 5, 2010 @ 6:05 am
      An interesting lens. This might seem like an extreme example, but when tax money is used for war, it’s a form of charity for arms manufacturers and those of that ilk who profit for war. There are many such instances where ordinary people are subsidising the profiteers.

    • Reply
      WordCustard Jul 4, 2010 @ 5:12 am
      This is very thought provoking and I love the intelligent and thoughtful debate it has provoked. You've certainly got people talking, and it's a very timely topic. Congratulations on a well deserved contest win. This also deserves an ~*~* Angel Blessing *~*~

    • Reply
      VickiSims Jun 26, 2010 @ 1:20 pm
      Congratulations on the Summer Sunshine Charity Award! A great lens for promoting thought and discussion about a very difficult problem.

    • Reply
      mbgphoto Jun 22, 2010 @ 9:43 pm
      Very thought provoking lens! Congratulations on your Summer Sunshine Award. Well deserved!

    • Reply
      charlino Jun 22, 2010 @ 7:39 pm
      Excellent topic and presentation. This is due for a lensroll.

    • Reply
      foovay Jun 22, 2010 @ 7:23 pm
      Congrats on the Sunshine Awards - well earned! This is a contentious subject but I think it is good to hear everyones opinions - from there we can begin to see what needs to be changed and improved. I don't think we can abolish welfare over night - nor should we. But it needs to change and to stop rewarding irresponsible behaviour and making having illegitimate babies a career choice that pays better than any job most women can get.

    • Reply
      KathyMcGraw Jun 22, 2010 @ 5:31 pm
      Your views or questions are interesting. If I am correct even in feudal times there was some sort of welfare system. When I think of welfare I don't think of some of the things you have mentioned..I look at those as a civil societies answers to the needs of the people. Now do all people need "welfare" that have it...probably not. But for the ones that do need it, I am all for it.

    • Reply
      Spook Jun 22, 2010 @ 1:35 pm
      I always forget. Lensrolling this somewhere provided you don't mind.

    • Reply
      Spook Jun 22, 2010 @ 1:32 pm
      Right up my street, fantastic lens and congratulations on your award. I could have gone on forever up there but for space permitting.

    • Reply
      BevsPaper Jun 22, 2010 @ 8:36 am
      Congratulations on winning the Squidoo Sunshine Award with this well deserving lens! It is not an easy issue but one that you have presented most admirably.

    • Reply
      SquidooKimberly Jun 21, 2010 @ 5:22 pm
      Congratulations on your Sunshine Award for this lens, benefiting Food for Everyone! http://blogs.squidoo.com/squidblog/2010/06/21/sunshine-award-end-of-welfare/

    • Reply
      LindaJM Jun 21, 2010 @ 6:03 pm
      Oh my goodness... thank you!! I am SO EXCITED... I'm grateful this issue is getting some attention, and excited to be helping the Food For Everyone Foundation.

    • Reply
      OhMe Jun 21, 2010 @ 3:37 pm
      Congratulations on winning the Sunshine Award today for you and Food for Everyone. Great Job!

    • Reply
      LindaJM Jun 21, 2010 @ 6:04 pm
      Thanks so much! (from a very excited lensmaster)

    • Reply
      Brookelorren Jun 20, 2010 @ 8:41 pm
      To get rid of welfare, you would also need to reduce taxes correspondingly. Businesses are drowning in taxes right now, and it costs them a lot to hire a new person. People could afford to give more if they weren't paying as much in taxes. That being said, it would probably be helpful if it was phased out... right now people plan on having a safety net. We don't save six month's of expenses for an emergency fund, because people expect that unemployment will be there to help pay the rent. More people would be malnourished, because they would opt for peanut butter and jelly and Top Ramen more than nutritious food. We're currently living off of about half the poverty level. We're working our butts off, but it's just not paying much. My husband's in law school though, so our income is likely to go up when he finishes.

    • Reply
      skiesgreen Jun 19, 2010 @ 10:58 pm
      Nicely framed opinions on this subject. *-*Blessed*-* and featured on Sprinkled with Stardust and also on my awards lens charity-lenses-for-summer-sunshine-giveaway

    • Reply
      JaguarJulie Jun 16, 2010 @ 12:58 pm
      Well, I fully suspect that if there we no more welfare, there would be a lack of humanity ... you know?

    • Reply
      susannaduffy Jun 16, 2010 @ 5:28 am
      Good topic to choose! Well presented and highly readable, blessed by an angel today

    • Reply
      OhMe Jun 16, 2010 @ 4:52 am
      You have sure given your reader something to think about. I remember back in the early 60's that my dad was making speeches about this very same thing and warning us not to become a government dependent society. He always felt that if the churches did their part, we would have no need for welfare. Excellent lens and good luck on the contest. I am going to feature this lens with Food For Everyone on Sunshine Award Nominees and I am nominating this lens.

    • Reply
      mbgphoto Jun 15, 2010 @ 8:51 am
      Very thought provoking lens. Well done! It certainly is a dilemna!

    • Reply
      Stazjia Jun 15, 2010 @ 5:04 am
      Good, thought provoking lens.

    The Welfare State Nobody Knows

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    Summer Sunshine!

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    All proceeds for this lens go to the Food For Everyone Foundation, an organization that helps destitute communities and families create bountiful, healthy gardens.

    Every weekday from June 7 to August 27 a charity lens will be chosen to win the Summer Sunshine Award. Here's more information about the contest: Squidoo Summer Sunshine Award.


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