Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland, Tyrant

Tyrannical acts of Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland creates fears for law abiding, tax paying citizens « Bradley County News:

'via Blog this'Definition of tyranny:
1 : oppressive power ; especially : oppressive power exerted by government
2 a : a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state b : the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant
3 : a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the mind
4 : a tyrannical act
Last evening on Channel 9 out of Chattanooga Tennessee, Cleveland Tennessee Mayor Tom Rowland was featured in a scathing news report that was aimed at the citizens of Cleveland/Bradley County that were reportedly handing out flyers in a community in the downtown Cleveland area speaking out against the Mayor and his band of clones that are going to redevelop the downtown area using the EPAs Brownfield development using HB 1554 and TIF financing to take away our property rights.
I’ll add a scary voice here, but he was quoted on the news cast as saying they, whomever they are, “are being very careful to not put the flyers in the mailboxes!” scary laugh, hooo haaaaaah haaaaaah!!!! Eluding to the fact that if we find out they put a flyer in a mailbox, we will snatch them from their family and put them in a federal prison for years, and we can probably do it through the Department of Homeland Security, since I am head of the local office, scary laugh again! The unquoted parts were mine and not his but can you see that this man is assuming he has more power than he really does?
The Mayors tyrannical activity speaks volumes of the county and cities efforts to squash the citizens from speaking out about a wayward government with way too much power. Enough power to presumably cause a citizen to go underground, to flee from his or her government, to cause family anguish due to fear of reprisals, causing his or her family to be tormented by his words causing citizens to second guess any activity for fear of retaliation or reprisals. This is a sad day for Cleveland Tennessee, and Bradley County!
The Mayor from a bully pulpit, on a regional TV news stage exerting the effort to stop a normal, tax paying citizen from exercising his/her first amendment rights. This is shameful and should be condemned.
No longer are we under the kookiness of a King George, his oppression was done away with long ago, yet we have a modern day King Tom oppressing the people in the same way through fear and intimidation.
The mayor spoke of federal charges and encouraged the citizens to call in and report this anonymous person who dares speak out against King Tom, leading many to believe there is a manhunt for this purveyor of truthful flyers complete with statements about King Toms plans for his downtown Kingdom.
I have been approached by several involved in the “federally” offensive flyer handout scandal and they have made the decision to lay low and are truly fearful for their safety! A government designed and led this way should at the very least be questioned as unethical! This is BS, hogwash or any other word that I can print!
Our elected mayor calling on citizens to be arrested for speaking up and forcing them to be on the lamb, so to speak and cause their family great suffering is tyranny at its strongest! Shame on the mayor for his actions. Illegal activity, hogwash!!!
In a recent conversation, after several attempts of this reporter/blogger to contact the police department, Sherrif Snyder, a police officer, the mayor himself I finally reached the Asst District attorney Steven Hatchett who was willing to go on record as saying that the act of handing out flyers in a community is "not illegal and is protected by free speech even if the information being handed out is disputed!" Mr Hatchett went on to say that the first Tea Party was handing out flyer years ago and it was not illegal then either! He dd go onto say that although the act of handing out a flyer is not illegal, there are some constraints such as no littering, inciting a riot, obstructing traffic or when possibly a ordinance is broken but was safe to say that the act of passing out the flyer is not illegal. The rule to free speech is the exception that it must pass constitutional muster! Mr Hatchett was very professional and helpful throughout the short interview. The overwhelming feeling I got from him is no matter who you are or what your title is, the rights of the people under the constitution is still intact and still protects them.
Mr Mayor, all elected officials blow the dust off the ole constitution that you may have on your bookshelf and I advise you to read it!
This is the only document that at present date is keeping the citizen in Cleveland, Tennessee free from a tyrannical run away government!
Its the difference between keeping us free and making us felons. Many have tried to enslave the people but the one constant is that the constitution protects the people and tyrannical governments. For now, as long as it remains intact, the Mayor nor anyone in this town can tell us what to do and that our government truly has no jurisdiction over the people and our Sovereignty!

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