Friday, June 22, 2012

Matt Taibbi: Journalists Do Not Think Election Will Be Close, Only Say So To ‘Sell Advertising’ | Mediaite

Matt Taibbi: Journalists Do Not Think Election Will Be Close, Only Say So To ‘Sell Advertising’ | Mediaite:

'via Blog this'

 Taibbi said that, of the journalists he associates with, there is a feeling that President Obama has already won the 2012 election. There is a “relatively popular incumbent, the economy is not doing terribly,” and the only reason the press suggests the race will be close is that “we have to sell advertising.” 

Costello noted that Democratic Strategist James Carville just addressed this sentiment among many democrats. She said that Carville thinks that level of complacency is dangerous because Democrats could lose. Taibbi said that the media does not believe the election will be close, and they are only advancing this narrative in order to drive ratings and sell advertising.


When you factor in the GOP's ability to cheat through widespread electoral fraud in the form of voter caging and collusion with voting technology vendors as seen in 2000 and 2004, what otherwise would be a close election could easily slide into the win column, especially in battleground states. There is little question that massive fraud in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 cost the Democrats dearly and they've never effectively countered it with court challenges. Factor in the new Jim Crow voter suppression laws that are being adopted in over a dozen states and you can see how the Dems have to have a significant margin of victory or it goes to the always dishonest Republicans. 

He's correct in that Obama is a generally popular incumbent and will very likely win. The far left doesn't like him cause he's a centrist but has no choice but to vote for him. The only group disagreeing with this logic is the far right. And they are losing relevance. 

Mitt's didn't have to marry into money, his father was rich.  Kerry served his country and you wignuts wore purple heart band aids at your convention to make fun of him.  You guys have no shame.  

Taibbi is one of the better journalists out there, but the rightwingers are capable of anything because they have oodles of money. On the face of things, it does look like a sweep for Obama including the House and Senate. I'd like to know the reasons rightwingers think Obama is going to lose. I haven't heard one credible reason from all the media why Republicans think they're going to win. Everything is going against them. They haven't come up with anyhing positive that makes sense as to why the're going to win. Please some reasons....

No he didn't.
Who fired Matt Taibbi? 
You are thinking of Jack Steuf of Wonkette.
Matt Taibbi is the guy who writes excellent pieces on the bipartisan bullsh*t that allowed Wall St. to gamble us into the poorhouse.

Many were upset about Taibbi’s heartless response to Breitbart’s passing and called for his firing on Twitter.
The joke, of course, is a circuitous reference to Breitbart’s own notoriously salty talk. Breitbart famously tweeted a series of vitriol following Senator Ted Kennedy’s death in 2009, including (according to the Daily Kos):
“Rest in Chappaquiddick.”
“Look, this man was granted absolution for nothing. Class, life station played a part but PARTY was everything. GOP couldn’t get away with it.”
“I’ll shut my mouth for Carter. That’s just politics. Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement.”
At the time, Breitbart felt it was his doodie — err, duty — to slam Kennedy. Today, the duty was on Taibbi’s shoulders. This afternoon, it was on his Wikipedia page.
While we’d all love to know where this prank started, it’s fair to say that Taibbi, best-known for his fiery Rolling Stone blog, his association between Goldman Sachs and a “vampire squid”, and accosting a Vanity Fair writer with a cup of hot coffee, perhaps has a few detractors. Maybe we’ll never know the culprits.
UPDATE: Taibbi’s Wikipedia page was changed several minutes after the posting of this article.
(Matt said he "couldn't be happier. That's different than calling the dead guy a piece of shit. Man, those conservatives can dish it out but they can't take it. They can't take an honest assessment of how somebody feels, even, without coming back at them like a six year old would.)

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