Monday, July 30, 2012

Does Illiteracy Equal Conservative Voting? You Decide. | Addicting Info

Does Illiteracy Equal Conservative Voting? You Decide. | Addicting Info:

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Does Illiteracy Equal Conservative Voting? You Decide.

July 27, 2012

A Gallup Poll ranked the top ten most conservative and most liberal states.
The top ten most conservative states are:
South Dakota
North Dakota
South Carolina
The top ten most liberal states are:
District of Columbia (though technically not a state)
Rhode Island
New York
Washington State
New Jersey

Central Connecticut State University did a ranking of the most literate cities in America, for 2009. Of the top ten most conservative states, not one city in any of these states made the list of the most literate in America. Of the top ten most liberal states, five cities in five separate states ranked amongst the top ten most literate in the country.
Now if you live in one of the top ten conservative states, you do have other lists that you rank pretty high on. Three, of the top ten conservative states, boast the highest number of gun deaths in America. Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana all hold that lovely distinction. Three of the most liberal states, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, have the lowest rankings of gun deaths in America.
Blame it on lax guns laws, the need to pretend you are a cowboy or some misguided fear that you need to protect yourself against ‘them’ (be it the government, socialists, illegal immigrants or that mosque down the street), all that is really happening is you are accidentally shooting family members or your own face off.
More interesting facts: Mississippi, ranked as the #1 Conservative state in the union, it also ranked #50 (that’s last place) in America’s Health Rankings done by the United Health Foundation. Mississippi also ranked in the bottom five in terms of obesity, children in poverty, high school graduation, preventable hospitalizations and infant mortality.
Alabama ranked #45 in overall health, with challenges of a large smoking population, high infant mortality, obesity and children in poverty. Louisiana ranks #49, with pretty much the same problems as Mississippi. South Carolina ranks 41st and Arkansas comes in at 48.
Five of the ten most conservative states rank toward the bottom in infant mortality, obesity, children in poverty and high school graduates. Interesting, since these same states are the first to vote for a candidate who will rail against healthcare for America (which would help tackle the poverty, infant mortality, obesity and preventable hospitalizations), and they will vote for a candidate who will try to defund art and music programs, de-unionize teachers and take money away from schools (tackling not only the graduation issues, but most every other issue due to educational opportunities).
One more thing, Mississippi also ranked as the #1 most religious state in the union. Five of the top ten conservative states ranked in the top ten religious states in America. Another interesting point considering these same states, who are so happy to follow the teachings of the ‘Prince of Peace’, will vote to go to a war based on lies, scream ‘sanctity of life’ and yet not say a word concerning over 1 MILLION innocent people killed in this same war, condone torture, condone the deaths of over 45,000 Americans due to lack of healthcare and most horrifically, will treat Muslims, gays, atheists, women and illegal immigrants like second-class human beings, ignoring the fact that we are ‘all god’s children.’
I suppose this could go on and on, but in the end, it’s really just about a group of people who run this country knowing that if you keep a large part of that country uneducated, scared of those unlike them, angry at something or another and tell them that their country/constitution/freedom/democracy or Christian values are ‘being threatened’, they will turn out in droves to make sure you win a place in politics to help them ‘defend their freedom’ or some other nonsense.
I can think of one more list that these states would rank pretty high in my book, its called hypocrisy.
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12 Responses to Does Illiteracy Equal Conservative Voting? You Decide.

  1. JJ on August 18, 2011 at 10:36 PM
    Well, thank God for Mississippi! If not for them, Arkansas would be at the very bottom of all the good lists & the very top of all the bad ones. Arkansas, unfortunately, seems to be becoming more & more conservative. It’s not all bad, Fayetteville & Eureka Springs are two hopeful blue sports in a mostly red state & Governor Beebe has been a welcome relief after years of Huckabee.
  2. Tex Shelters on July 30, 2011 at 11:12 AM
    Ur rong hear!
    U libtards didd’t evin put Arizona on it list of conserveateiv stats.
    We 2 R Intelgent!
    Tex Shelters

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