Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Zehnder and Frey



Do under 18 year old rapists like Will Frey and Austin Zehnder have a sex offender status on their records?

In the Savannah Dietrich rape case:
Do under 18 year old rapists like Will Frey and Austin Zehnder, from Kentucky, have a sex offender status on their records? Such that they would be on a Megan's Law type of website if they moved next to you when they are above 18?

Answers (4)

  • Answerer 1
    They do, but depending on if they were tried as adults or as children depends on the time the status stays. If they were tried as children, their record is exponged on their 18 birthday. If they were tried as adults, the status lasts the full term, which is something around 10 years.
    • 1 person rated this as good
  • Answerer 2
    Kentucky has a sexual offender website, but Zehnder and Frey are not listed on it. Nor are they likely to be, as they were not adults convicted of sex crimes against minors. That's a requirement in Kentucky. Second, while they are rapists, they were not convicted of rape under Kentucky law. They pled guilty to sexual abuse in the first degree (a Class D felony) and voyeurism (a Class A misdemeanor). A Class D felony in Kentucky is one that carries a penalty of "not less than one (1) year nor more than five (5) years." A Class A misdemeanor carries a penalty of "up to 12 months in jail and $500 fine."

    Since they were tried as juveniles--the reason for the gag order, apparently, is to protect juveniles--it's likely that their records will be expunged when their probation is over and that their records will be sealed.

    However, Savannah saw to it that they would never completely escape their crime. Court records can be sealed, but once info is on the Internet, it's there FOREVER.


  • Answerer 3
    Oh I think they will forever have rapist on their records. As well they should have.


60 Responses to Savannah Dietrich Rapists Voyeurs Austin Zehnder Will Frey – Video: Contempt Charges Dropped

  1. B Solo on July 24, 2012 at 11:19 am
    Great report. Justice must serve the victims, not protect the perps. Well done, you two.
    • Maggie on July 24, 2012 at 11:49 am
    • akp666 on July 24, 2012 at 2:50 pm
      The boys were never accused of rape. They were accused of taking pics of her while she was passed out drunk and naked at a party. They went on to show those pics around and were subsequently arrested. They plead guilty to sexual assault admitting they had no right to take those pics, muchless distribute them to the public. There were absolutely no allegations of rape involved in this case, and her calling them rapists in her twitter statement seemed more metaphorical than literal. There was a reason a gag order was issued on this case, Judges kind of have experience dealing with these types of situations.
      • Maggie on July 24, 2012 at 3:36 pm
        akp666, she said she was raped and you know that charges are pled down all the time. What do you consider sexual assault? I’ve seen a lot of Judges had out heinously light punishment for child predators. There are plenty of people with judicial experience and a focus on constitutional law that say her First Amendment Rights were violated. The boys could identify her, but she can’t identify them. Get real.
        • Not Dr. Krune on July 24, 2012 at 5:34 pm
          Maggie, why did you delete his comment mentioning your very real risk of libel?
        • Not Dr. Krune on July 24, 2012 at 5:39 pm
          Maggie, I know you’d like to delete any and all references to your potentially libelous actions, and I just wanted to let you know that I’m saving everything that is posted here, with timestamps, and am forwarding it to the boys’ attorney. Have a good night!
          • Maggie on July 24, 2012 at 6:16 pm
            Not Dr. Krune, I haven’t deleted a thing from my post, only the rude comments here, so send away.
            • Not Dr. Krune on July 25, 2012 at 1:58 pm
              No, you’ve deleted several posts, including two by akp666 that were simply explanations of why you might be guilty of libel. I see that lying comes easily to you though. :-)
      • Boson on July 24, 2012 at 5:57 pm
        Your explanation of the charges are incorrect. The minimum charge under sexual assault(also known as rape in some states) is touching a person sexually without their consent, naked pictures alone aren’t enough. Since this case is sealed due to the minors that are involved, how do you know what exactly happened? How do you know what was said in court?…”Her calling them rapists seemed metaphorical?” To whom? The charges are very clear, they had to at least touch her in a sexual manner to be charged with sexual assault. A plea deal means there were greater charges, who knows what those charges were. You can’t assume what those charges were, nor can you assume what they were doing to her in those pics. The victim said she was raped(not an assumption), you’re assuming she meant something else.
        • Maggie on July 24, 2012 at 6:15 pm
          Thank you Boson.
        • akp666 on July 24, 2012 at 6:17 pm
          Sexual Assault isn’t the same thing as rape. Sexual Assault involves a host of things involving sexual contact. What exactly does sexual contact specifically mean, well you put it into context, it’s called a legal interpretation. If two guys take pics of a naked girl, what would we legally call that? I don’t know something like voyeurism, which is considered sexual contact if its with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.
      • Cliff on July 24, 2012 at 10:42 pm
        Then why did she characterize it as rape on multiple occasions and why did the Louisville Courier-Journal include the word “rapist” in it’s article? From what I understand rape and sexual assault are well differentiated in the Kentucky penal code and from what you say Savannah and the newspaper seem to be way out on a limb as far as libel goes. I’ll be waiting for the lawsuit.
        • akp666 on July 24, 2012 at 11:08 pm
          Kentucky charges rape as Rape in the First to Third Degree, depending on the severity of the case. Rape and Sexual Assault are not the same thing. Rape involves penetration, sexual assault does not.
  2. Sean on July 24, 2012 at 11:32 am
    You and/or the victim should find out where these “yoots” are going to college, and make sure the institutions know they’re admitting two sexual predators.

Austin Zehnder and Will Frey Should Feel Ashamed

And the people who tried to protect them from public scorn should also be ashamed.

Indeed, name them, shame them. The long future of being reminded about their crime is important, I think, to emphasize how horrible and damaging was their assault.
The law already has a horrible reputation for unbalanced results like this, the least lawmakers could do is try to repair things enough to improve their reputation and even gain some trust from the public.

Shame is a very important social function and it’s our responsibility to make sure they feel it. The apologists I’ve seen don’t seem to understand that people who do bad things should expect to be shunned and criticized by society.
Of course, it didn’t help that some of those apologists talked about the assault as a “youthful mistake.” In other words, “boys will be boys.” I can’t stand this idea that apparently we’re supposed to allow kids to be anarchists with no sense of responsibility for their actions.

Some additional photos of the rapist Will Frey were posted on Imgur.

Apparently their friend Sumner Franklin thinks its cool to defend rapists and then afterwards post his own phone number on Twitter…

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