Sunday, June 3, 2012

hypocrisy of evangelical christians. - YouTube

Bill Maher : the hypocrisy of evangelical christians. - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

  1. that is a really, really, good vid. Virtually everything he says about how we "Christians" (and I use the term probably more cautiously than he does) is true. What Maher doesn't get is that every single person on earth, to one degree or another is a hypocrite, bigot, liar, adulterer, a person who covets etc. etc.

    When atheists say, "I don't need God because I'm a good person," what they really mean is, "I'm not as bad as some other people I know," which is just another way of lying to oneself to make yourself feel okay.

    Nevertheless, good post.
