Monday, March 25, 2013

Pinehaven Christian Children's Ranch - A Message For Current Residents - YouTube

Pinehaven Christian Children's Ranch - A Message For Current Residents - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

Exposing Pinehaven Christian Children's Ranch by publicizing their history of institutional child abuse in order to prevent further pain and suffering of innocent children. To learn more visit

To current residents who might be watching this while on Christmas or summer vacation, I only have one message -- YOU HAVE RIGHTS.
You have the right to be treated with respect.
You have the right to proper medical treatment.
You have the right to recover and grow in an environment free of verbal abuse and slander.
You have the right to report any abuse you experience or observe without obstacle or supervision.
You have the right to humane disciplinary treatment, within humane conditions.
You have the right to object to any treatment that you find abusive.
You have the right to refuse any instruction you feel puts you at risk.

You may have been told how lucky you are to be at Pinehaven, how many children across the country are vying for your spot, and that you should feel fortunate for the opportunity to be part of such a program. You may have been told that the type of abusive treatment you are enduring is a biblical demonstration of a proper upbringing. You may have been told that you are learning your role in a "family" to do what you are told, when you are told, how you are told. You may have written that sentence a couple thousand times to reinforce the point!

You may believe that you owe allegiance to the staff at Pinehaven and to the Larssons for "saving your life" or even more drastically "saving you from eternal hell". You may believe that while you endure the occasional mental, verbal or physical abuse -- that overall, the people at Pinehaven and their actions are good, and that they truly care about you -- and that as long as the good overcomes or outweighs the bad, it is all good in the end. This could not be further than the truth.

Just one single instance of abuse is wrong and should not be tolerated. One time insulting you because you cannot figure out the answer to interrogative questions. One time grabbing your neck and chin to "calm you down" and "make you comply". One time telling you that you will make a bad mother, that you are a terrible daughter, that you shame your parents, and that you are stupid is abuse.

When Andy Larsson is caught cheating on his wife, he doesn't have to be straightforward, he only has to symbolically bow out to attend to "personal and family issues" while every houseparent has to lie to your parents when telling them that Andy has resigned. When Ned Kent chokes out a child in front of other staff members and is called out on it, he simply doesn't have to recall the instance. Would Pinehaven allow you to act in such a way when you are severely disciplined for serious issues like having dirt specs in your milk bucket after milking a muddy, dirty cow or forgetting to start the dishwasher before heading back to school in a rush, or maybe shifting your weight back and forth too much after standing in a corner writing sentences for over 5 hours? I don't believe so.

I believe if you are honest, and you consider your well being for just a moment that you will be able to recall at least one instance (one instance too much) where you were handled, spoken to, treated or touched in an abusive manner that did not respect you as a human being. Whether forced to run in front of a truck or van on your way to scoop manure instead of being in school, suffering frostbite from extended exposure during disciplines, or are shut away from all visitors for simply having a conversation with one of them that went beyond "I love Pinehaven" or "You'll have to talk to my houseparents about that" -- You were abused. Did you smile while grounded because you heard a funny joke, only to have your discipline extended or amplified? Have you spent hours scrubbing floors on your hands and knees just to stay busy. Have you been required to prove you are sick before medical care was provided? Have you had to wait days before your houseparents were authorized to take you to a doctor? Have you ever been called stupid, or had the way you look, talk, or even remain quiet mocked in front of you and others? Have you witnessed another child being abused, ridiculed, neglected or even touched in an inappropriate way?

Do not be afraid to speak. Do not be afraid to be honest. Do not be afraid to open up to your parents, providing them with every detail, every instance, and every concern you have.

It's ok to protect yourself. You are worthy of love and respect, and you deserve the highest levels of treatment and help -- free from ANY mental, emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect.

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